Don’t Cry for Marion Jones

't cry for Marion Jones... there are others more worthy
Getting an edge over the competition has always been around… just ask the ancient Greeks, competitors chewed on animal testicles to extract natural testosterone. Poisons acting like stimulants were used in the early Olympic games and the Nobel Prize was won for the discovery of steroids in the 1930’s. The 60’s through the mid-90’s saw the growth and widespread open use of steroids until testing methods became more sophisticated, but then, so did the cheaters. Once testing became better, better ‘masking agents’ were found to fool the testers.

I always wondered about some athletes who performed fantastically on their domestic stage but dropped significantly in the Olympics or the world stage. Was the testing apparently better?

For those who remember those early times may recall the American weight lifter who said that he would beat his famous Russian competitor once he could afford the Russian’s drug bill. The eastern block was not just increasing their athletes strength through the addition of steroids, but they took it once step further, they added substances to raise the natural testosterone manufacturing ability of the body.

Some places never seem to change, governing bodies still apparently ignore what’s going on in Cuba and the Carribean.

Unfortunately we have little but anecdotal evidence as to the long term effects of athletic drug use, but it doesn’t look good. Former world class male athletes are replacing about everything in their bodies from joints to organs. And many women appear to have compromised their fertility for a what amounts to a couple of lines in the newspaper.

We also no longer have a level playing field.

Don’t get me wrong, I am not advocating a return to those unfettered years of wild steroid consumption… but the future’s athletes will belong to expensive gene doping labs. I look for big things at the Chinese Games. However, it is always interesting to see hard working and more talented ‘clean’ athletes passed up in college by those with an ‘edge.’

So, don’t cry for Marion Jones, she got more than most. Many drug using athletes are paying the price with far less accolades and without any medical supervision. Besides, I have read that the USADA has only banned Marion for 2 years…. she’ll be back.

Roger Freberg

By the way, if you’re an athlete taking drugs… just shut up… don’t sign up as some sort of ‘clean’ spokesman. It just looks worse when you’re caught.

World of Sport braced for New Drug Scandal
Bakersfield is a drug central
Operation Raw Deal
120 Arrested!
Ben Johnson SPEAKS!

Teachers say: parental influence determines success

My adult children would probably say that Laura and I were ‘involved’ parents, especially in education. We ‘inspected what we expected’ in and out of the school. We taught our children three R’s (not relying on the public schools alone), personal discipline, worked to give them the tools to help them succeed (whether it be an athletic shoe or a computer) and hung around together after dinner in case they had questions about anything. We are far from perfect parents, but we are proud of who our children have become.

National Educational Association Newsletter
One picks up the news and hears about educators (adminstrators) complaining about ‘helicopter parents’ ( read ‘involved’ parents) and then — by contrast — the NEA (National Educatioal Association) points to a review entitled: “Study suggests parental influence determines success of low-income, urban students.”  ( from an email NEA newsletter.)

To be fair, the NEA points to the study to try to explain that the difference in scholastic success between public and private schools (private schools being better) is due primarily to ‘parental influence’ (‘involvement’). The study shows student success in public schools is possible, if the parents have ‘influence.’ I found it interesting that the study used the rather passive word ‘influence’ rather than the more interventionist word “involved.’

Parents, I guess, are still supposed to ‘know their place.’

So, if you decide to keep your children in public schools -as we did- stay ‘involved’, ensure they get a better education than what they would normally get without you, give them all the tools to succeed… and be there when they need you. Oh yes, don’t be afraid of criticism from the schools… it’s the price you pay today for their success tomorrow.

Roger Freberg

Obama’s Boo Boo for You You

a simple little expression of fond loyalty
Barack Obama must be wanting to end his Presidential bid rather quickly. If you haven’t heard, he decided NOT to wear a Pin with the American Flag on it. Then he went out to talk about it! Here’s a  choice bit  from what he said:

“I decided I won’t wear that pin on my chest,” he said in the interview. “Instead, I’m going to try to tell the American people what I believe will make this country great, and hopefully that will be a testament to my patriotism.” 

How Stupid can you be? On the other hand, if he has problems wearing the flag, then I am glad he took it off.

Roger Freberg

Blackwater Rocks and the Senate Rolls

Blackwater... doing their job one terrorist at a time 

I am reminded that the same ‘people’ who oppose  BLACKWATER  are the same folks who are working hard to lose Iraq. Is this a coincidence? I think not. Obviously, these independent contractors are effective … and SOMEONE wants them off the job!

Let me add, it goes without question that the American Military does a great job, but there are ‘things’ that  private contractors  can do that actually  save our military personnel.

When I think of the folks that want us to lose… I am reminded about the ‘importance’ of putting ‘governers’ on our military trucks and strictly adhearing to a 35 mph speed limit. I guess this was and is to allow our people to become better targets? Oh, there I go being a synic.

Blackwater and others serve a purpose, give it up ladies.

Here’s some more reading:

Private Military Corporations
List of PMC’s

Roger Freberg



Halloween is Coming! SoooOoooon!

One of the nicest thnigs about Halloween is the children

Before Halloween became so ‘befuddled’ by devolving into an ‘adult party’, it was a wonderful time for adults to demonstrate some random kindness to the children of their community. It was a mysterious ‘treasure hunt’ for children.

The questions were all the same with the kids. Where do your friends live? Shall we drop by on my teacher? And…. who is giving out the best candy and treats?

Our children were also very captivated by the season and I was always curious as to who they wished to become on that special night? I made many a paper mache’ head for Kristin and Karla… but I remember one of my favorites. Karen wanted to go as “Spock.” This became quite a group production. I was tasked with making the shirt … and it sort of came out okay.

This Halloween will have far less children… but we always give out the ‘best’… or so I am told.

Roger Freberg