

Every year, I have requests to make a Turducken… Made famous by Cajun Chef Paul Prudhomme and his family!

A Turducken is a turkey stuffed with various birds and each with their own stuffing! The trick is that the only bones left in the turkey are the leg and thigh and the wings… But when you are done it looks like a turkey but sliced like a meat roll!

Recently, I acquired the Family Cookbook and signed by many members of the Prudhomme family… A fun book indeed and I loved reviewing their Turducken!

Happy Thankgiving!

unintended consequences

a fond farewell to the wonderful world of Twinkies, cream filled chocolate cupcakes and Wonder Bread! CLICK on the picture for Hostess closing notice.

I remember my first childhood experience with a Hostess cupcake at the home of a friend having a birthday. I thought his mother was very cool… we had cake, punch and various Hostess products! I went for the Cream filled chocolate cupcake! YUM! I was in heaven.

Of course, heaven doesn’t last very long as a child. When I returned home I found all the usually waiting for me, including a great big bowl of carrots. The ‘line’ I received at home was always,”Hungry? then eat a carrot!” We’ve all met these women in our lives… flogging is too good for them!

Twinkies is certainly one of the greatest inventions on this earth. I stuck with the chocolate cakes though as I found Twinkies too compelling. It was like one was too many… and a million was not enough! Hostess Cupcakes are my sweet addiction… and like all wonderful things, I would ration them out over time. I am hoarding them now and they should keep me through the next zombie apocalypse… but they will be missed.

The great union organizer Samuel Gompers once said that unions should not have to support an inefficient marketplace; however, he faced companies with huge resources and not those teetering on the verge of bankruptcy, the growing burden of taxation and the widening  economic depression  ( DEFINITION: two or more quarters of recession) that we face today.

Cooperation and compromise have disappeared and the unintended consequences of arrogance and pride have lead us here today. On a personal note: proud of the Teamsters and having been one as they tried to keep the company alive!

My favorite psychologist

CLICK on the above to travel to PTCH and watch this fun 40 second experience of my day in Laura's Psychology classes!
CLICK on the above to travel to PTCH and watch this fun 40 second experience of my day in Laura’s Psychology classes!

Laura and I have been married for over 40 years. Of course, we were married as kids and — truth be told — I was a minor. During this time I often enjoyed the opportunity to sit in one of Laura’s classes and learn just a little more about her life.

Our daughter Karen turned me on to this fun ap for my iPhone  (PTCH)  which allows you to integrate pictures, movies and sound to produce a one minute movie… all on your phone! I hope you enjoy this little effort!

the devils are within the walls

A must read for every parent and every student planning to attend college!

When you live in a university town, one suspects that it is only YOUR university that persecutes unfairly —  sometimes illegally — students, staff and faculty who have crossed some imaginary line. When you see YOUR university violate people’s legal rights, when you witness unconscionable and unethical ( sometimes illegal) behavior, and then see those same individuals proudly promoted, you hope that YOU are seeing only the aberrant behavior of a few individuals in only one troubled university.  Reading Greg Lukianoff’s book clearly documents that YOUR university isn’t really alone. What is most disturbing to me is that never is there an ounce of concern or remorse by college faculty or administrators on the harm they inflict to others, the careers they ruin or the families they harm; they are proud because they feel completely justified; they believe they are on the side of the angels following orders from on high.

The university ‘culture’ is not without justifiable criticism. Speakers coming to campus should be allowed to speak; mob rule is not a form of government. Conformity and compliance are the mainstream values of many faculty and administrators and these values are strongly monitored and strictly enforced. I was once told that the university ‘rewards compliance and not achievement.’  We’ve all seen the result of compliance taken to the extreme before; people have claimed to be “Just following orders” to justify doing horrible things. Under the right supportive conditions, horrible things can be done by almost anyone.

Stanley Milgram wanted to see how far you could push people (Americans) to achieve compliance on a task that may result in the death of another.  His experiment  is legend .

“Milgram devised his psychological study to answer the question: “Was it that Eichmann and his accomplices in the Holocaust had mutual intent, in at least with regard to the goals of the Holocaust?” In other words, “Was there a mutual sense of morality among those involved?” Milgram’s testing suggested that it could have been that the millions of accomplices were merely following orders, despite violating their deepest moral beliefs.” (Wikipedia)

Milgram’s study clearly demonstrated that Germans were not inherently barbarians, but under simple guidance, this barbaric behavior could come from almost anyone, even from Americans.

Greg’s book is a grave warning on the future of American society that blindly complies and allows their ability to speak opposing views restricted. It is chilling to think we are not far from a society where you could be silenced by what you say, or even, by what someone thought you said…. and those in authority would feel no guilt because  ‘they we just following orders.’

Buy “Unlearning Liberty” the Book (Amazon)  a book everyone going to college and their parents should read!