No easy day by mark owen

no easy day
Do You have YOUR copy??

If you wondered what really happened in the assault to kill Osama Bin Laden, wonder no more. Mark Owen ( an alias that I suspect is a combination of the names of friends or lost comrades) answers many of your questions. I found the authoritative pictures and the back story of becoming a Seal, Seal Team Six and various deployments illuminating. I am glad they are on our side!

Oh, there was some controversy out there regarding the writing of this book, but there doesn’t appear to be any national security secrets being leaked… after all, we already get a steady stream from the White House. There will be some disappointed readers, especially those who thought the commander-in-chief lead the mission and possibly flew in the first Apache Helicopter. You really can’t blame politicians, everyone likes to share in victory; however, if things went badly, I am sure we would have learned it was all poor Leon Panetta’s fault at the Pentagon. That’s the way things always go.

This book is well written and something that everyone should read. Buy it and you will enjoy it.

Happy 40th Wedding Anniversary, Darling

I remember an older man remarking to me that the only time he felt amused was one day looking in the mirror and seeing an old man. 40 years of marriage has passed quickly and with many happy experiences.

On Valentine’s Day, the wall street Journal would publish an article entitled ‘your one and only’. it was a nice tale of how the women he married became his ‘one and only’ only after the test of time. What remains special is your shared experiences, hopes and dreams. As they say, it is the journey that is important and not just the destination.

We seem to have been celebrating all year and the day finally came. Happy Anniversary, Sweetheart… the adventure continues to infinity and beyond!

curing and smoking salmon is worth it

2 pounds of smoked salmon… less some snacking along the way!

There are quite a lot of recipes for ‘curing’ salmon on the web. Some are very different from each other, but all have some sort of sugar and salt. Spices vary quite a bit, although most have some sort of peppercorn. Alcohol isn’t a frequent, but it is a welcome addition to the process.

Here’s what I used and it turned out fantastic!


2 1/2 cups salt

3 cups brown sugar

1/4 cup crushed peppercorns ( I used an assortment including pink, green, and  black)

1/4 cup crushed fennel seeds

1 bunch chopped dill

1 bunch parsley

1 lemon zest

1/4 cup Tortuga RUM! and enough water so you will be able to submerge the salmon


— place ingredients and 2 lb. Salmon in a large container , submerge the salmon under water by placing a number of small plates on top of it , then into your refrigerator for 3 days

— smoke until done using your favorite flavors ( I use Hickory and Mesquite chips)

