Your baby is hungry? Feed them anywhere and anytime!

a happy and a healthy baby
I am always surprised that breast-feeding is ever an issue anymore?

Although many men and women feel somewhat emancipated from the stereotypical gender expectations of prior decades. it appears that a holdover from our mother’s/ or grandmother’s time still hangs on. It all has to do with breast-feeding. Should a mother breastfeed and where and when? Ask anyone and they will give you their — often stern — opinion on the subject. I have heard all kinds of half truths and truths. Some women claim not to breast-feed because they are ‘busy’ or because it will hurt their figure or because it’s old fashioned. None of these ‘reasons’ really work for me. It should be all about what’s best for the baby…. or am I old fashioned? Continue reading “Your baby is hungry? Feed them anywhere and anytime!”

Can Men Write Advice Columns?

Men seem to write — but can they write advice columns?

Let’s just say that I have read a lot of advice columns over the years and frankly, they all seem to be written by women. I am not saying that women don’t have an interesting perspective, but it does have a female twist and we’re the one’s getting twisted.

Dear abby
Dear Abby seems to be hitting it’s ‘next generation’ phase with the daughter taking over the long run column. The perspective hasn’t changed much. In my humble opinion, she sides with aged parents over the needs of adult children and future generations. Personally, a child’s college tuition comes before grandma’s world vacation. Continue reading “Can Men Write Advice Columns?”

Hey, MEN! Time to improve your minds…. make babies!

Dad's getting Smarter!
Dad’s getting smarter day by day

In my never ending effort to improve the male of the species, my never hard working research team has discovered a fascinating bit of knowledge that the world feminist conspiracy  and population bomb folks have somehow kept secret.

“Fatherhood produces changes in very high
cognitive-level areas,” said Kozorovitskiy
at a meeting of the Forum of European
Neurosciences in Vienna, Austria, last week.”

Yep, making babies is good for men’s minds. Well, actually, becoming a father improves the male brain! This ground breaking discovery was published in ‘The New Scientist’ Magazine 27 July 2006.

Now, all this research and data came from monkeys… so, it may be a little optimistic. But, they wrote it down and I am putting it on the internet… so it must be true, right?

Besides you really, really want to believe it’s true anyway!

So, men…. ‘Coach Dad’ offers the following advice….
practice, practice  and practice… make babies and get smarter!


Roger Freberg

A salute to Toby Keith…. this beer’s on me!

 One of my favorite country singers is Toby Keith.


Me and the TobeMeister!

I had a chance to meet Toby Keith last year as he wandered into our little part of the world, shake his hand and realize that he was a big man…. don’t meet too many around these parts. 

When Toby was in Baghdad entertaining the troops, my daughter listened to his free concert … actually –to her credit — she ( a lieutenant ) gave her men all the tickets she got so they could see him in person… Kristin had to listen from a great distance. So, when Kristin arrived home… we took her to see him live…. up close and personal.

He is a great American…. no doubt about it!



This music video gave me some of my biggest laughs… especially when Toby slips a couple of pills to himself before his date with ‘twins.’ The above YOUtube link may die soon… CLICK here for the REAL thing!

We need More Toby Keiths.

Roger Freberg
PS. Check out Toby Keith’s Fan Site!

Before you date…. ask to see his hands!

Look at his Hands before you date him

It seems like eons ago, but there was a time when people believed that you could tell everything about someone by just looking at them. Judgments were made based on what were believed to be influencing factors. Although some may call this prejudice , stereotyping or worse, there is some truth to the fact that biology does influence who we are in ways we may never have realized…. and sometimes with little regard to our environment. This wasn’t unknown to the ancient Greeks.

Hippocrates wrote:  “You will find, as a general rule, that the constitutions and the habits of a people follow the nature of the land where they live.”

The father of medicine, Hippocrates, was stating a simple truth from his time. Basically, what and who we are today is the result of long periods of exposure and interaction with our environment. For example, today, many of the people in Scandinavia and Europe – to a lesser degree- carry with them a resistance to the Black Death. Over time, a gene(s) for resistance to the plague gained a greater foothold in the population.

We may all be ‘equal’ in the eyes of our lord, but we all don’t have the same abilities, levels of intelligence, skills, aptitude or potential. Populations differ as do individual people. After all, we live in a diverse world.

Today, it is recognized that certain hereditary factors can have a profound influence on a person’s outlook, health and behavior. Correlations within families regarding suseptability towards types of diseases and some mental illnesses are becoming better understood.

Some researchers have pointed to  the presence of high ‘testosterone’ in men as a precursor for aggressive and violent behavior. They were in error, the truth is a bit more complex. High levels of testosterone in adult men have little correlation to violent behavior, per se. What has a some correlation is “prenatal testosterone.”

A high level of prenatal testosterone during pregnancy has some very interesting correlations.

For example, when a man’s index finger is significantly shorter than his ring finger there is a correlation with ‘physically aggressive behavior’. Does this mean every man with a shorter index finger displays ‘physically agressive behavior’… of course not. What it does mean is that ‘statistically’, it IS significant.

With three daughters, I may now ask their dates…. “Show me your hands!”

Roger Freberg