remembering Australia

New Zealand, Australia and Tasmania... oh my!

Casanova toward the end of his life wrote that all he had to comfort himself was his memories. I do agree that happy expreiences and fond memories can be a comfort in anyone’s life. I am reminded on how we took some time and traveled to the South Seas, Hawaii, Fiji, Tahiti and some other very special places with our young family.

Share your travel with your family and open a world to them.

the never ending pursuit of the perfect shortbread

What makes a perfect shortbread?

Shortbread is an amazingly simple recipe and with very few tweaks you can make almost anything else… it is all so very yummy. As a child my first and favorite cookie was called Russian Teacakes… but they came by many names such as Mexican Wedding Cakes and Sandies. Shortbread is a more buttery alternative and i have merged it with some of the things in my favorite cookie…

Now, a little coffee and it’s perfect!

Baklava Cheesecake is extraordinary

My daughter Karen and her friend Monica were invited to a mutual friends home for Easter and they wanted to bring something extraordinary… something a man would like…. who — unfortunately — couldn’t enjoy chocolate. Karen thought it would be fun to combine her two favorite desserts: Baklava and Cheesecake!

It sounded a bit over-the-top to me, but the more I think about it, the more I think it sounds insanely interesting and delicious… it makes me wonder how I might make one?

Congratulations Monika and Karen for daring to try something fun, wonderful and from what I hear… it was a BIG hit!


Happy Easter!

I think it is no secret that our daughter Karla has made many of the wonderful drawings that appear on our various blogs in our family… they are always charming and wonderful!

Today is a day of remembrance, celebration, dying eggs and munching a few chocolate bunnies!

Happy Easter to all.



tomorrow is earth day April 22nd 2011

My daughter Karla wants to remind everyone that tomorrow is Earth Day… a day — at least to me — for celebrating our world and everyone in it. It is more than hugging trees, it is about investing in people and families to provide the wealth, energy and motivation to make our world a better place.


PS. Have a Happy Good Friday!