rediscovering pita sandwiches

On a diet? You could do far worse than chomp into a Pita Sandwich!

When I was in college ( in the very early 70’s), Pita sandwiches were all the rage on campus. In fact there — if memory serves me — a number of Pita sandwich stands around the university. I never had many Pita sandwiches as they were always less filling than my usual fare and disappointing. In any event , Pita doesn’t seem a very popular bread nowadays, and I had to travel to a number of grocery stores to find Pita bread, but it was a bit different than I remembered.

The   History of Pita is — like most foods —  very interesting, “the word pita has a mixed ancestry: from the Modern Hebrew pittāh, borrowed from the Judaeo-Spanish pita, borrowed in turn from modern Greek πίτα” ( Wikipedia).

Back to the ‘diet’ sandwich. The Pita bread is sliced in two and each half filled with dietetic and portion controled yummy things. The big caloric items were: the Pita Bread ( 100 calories) and 2 ounces of chicken breast ( 65 calories)… so as a lunch it works great and stuffing it with diced tomato (right) or salsa (left) and an assortment of sprouts adds very little to the calories… but makes the entire meal relatively filling.

Sometimes, we all need to diet, but we can keep things tasty!


PS: I have purchased some Indian Bhut Jolokia ( the world’s hottest pepper) and a plant to grow more. The name is funny enough, unless the joke is on those who try it.

Blogging for the Central Coast News

nation rebuilding starts at home
I was approached to offer some of my 'pearls of wisdom' , CLICK on this picture to see what I am blogging about today!

Oh, people who know me, know that I have written for a variety of publications and — sometimes — I actually get paid! What I have discovered is that the true measure of an established, seasoned journalist — and I am seasoned — is to receive money for your efforts. I guess that is why  Katie Couric is so well seasoned.

Oh yeah, If you would like to show your support for Governor Scott Walker of Wisconsin, here’s a link!

ah is the word for real Key Lime Pie

key lime pie
Nothing sadder than seeing the last piece of your key lime pie go by... unless, it is coming to you! CLICK on the picture for the recipe!

Whether you need something nice to bring to a friends house, or something to brighten an evening at home… there is nothing like a Key Lime Pie made with heavy cream. BTW, I included the need for 1 1/4 cups of heavy cream , but failed to show you where to use it… but I think you can figure that out. 😉

As for me… this was my slice!


what do women want?

what women want? It all depends on who they are!
what women want? It all depends on who they are!

In a letter to Marie Bonaparte, close to his death, Sigmond Freud wrote:

“Die grosse Frage, die nie beantwortet worden ist und die ich trotz dreißig Jahre langem Forschen in der weiblichen Seele nie habe beantworten können, ist die: Was will das Weib?”

a very rough translation would be:

“The big question that has never been answered in spite of my nearly thirty years on the subject is what do women want?”

With a wife and three daughters, this is the question that haunts me at birthdays, anniversaries and, yes, at Valentine’s Day!   When I first met Laura, we were both 17 and her favorite cuisine was pop tarts washed down with a slug of Tang.  Well, she was 17. Since then we have discovered many interesting foods from around the world that she has favored, but to find one is a challenge… and on Valentine’s Day, it’s important to get it right.

The answer came by following the fusion example of South Africa and combining a few worthy items. Laura loves scallops and pasta. She has also become fond of a South African curry sauce I make with Peri Peri and about a dozen spices that make the curry. Fortunately this was relatively dietetic as well and delicious!

So, women may not be so simple in reading their desires as in reading the hopes and wishes of men, but when in doubt… ask them!  😉 or fix them a South African gastronomic experience worthy of connoisseurs!

Roger Freberg