it’s bread pudding time!

it's bread pudding time
white raisins (saltanas) in armagnac, dried blueberries in rye whiskey and vanilla effusing Puerto Rican Rum! CLICK on the picture for the recipe and step-by-step directions.

I call this my ‘starter kit’ for my bread pudding. I’ll let this sit around in the refrigerator before I go to the day old bakery to find the perfect ‘stale’ bread, cake, and croissants for my bread pudding. The ‘sauce’ I’ll make at the last minute….

Although this dessert descends from humble beginnings, there is nothing humble about this wonderful dish by itself, a la mode or at the conclusion of your dinner.

Can’t wait!

nothing says ‘love’ like a quiche!

Nothing brings a smile at brunch like a quiche... and for those fun times a little champagne!

If I have any culinary weakness , it is for that wonderful invention of that great German dish…. ‘quiche!’ Okay, you think it is so French, but it is not. Read the first link below for it’s great story:

Quiche Karla Loraine and recipe

Yar, the world is full of quiches and various sea creatures, but if it be some strong drink to settle your innards, Capt’n Rog Crab Quiche be what yar lookin for.

that be Crab Quiche ahead, maties!

Now, I must be about my business of fixing the quiche!

A Great Florida Vacation if you are in the Spirit

A selected view of our Florida Working Vacation....

I do enjoy traveling and sampling the cuisine wherever we go. Sometimes some of the discoveries are quite enlightening. For example, while in Florida , it became necessary to travel between Ft. Lauderdale and Orlando. I thought it would be fun to try  SPIRIT Airlines for a couple of reasons. First, the CEO of Spirit was part of a study lead by our daughter Karen assisted by her sister Kristin and an all star class and presented at this years Association for Psychological Science conference. Secondly, Spirit has it’s fans and detractors and I wanted to see for myself. On the bad side, we were faced with long delays coming and going, I would never consider Spirit with a tight itinerary. However, on the positive side, the flights were superb and the landings extraordinarily gentle. It is clear that the pilots were skilled. The big thing for me was the ability to buy a big seat without first class prices! Would I use the again? You bet, but I would build in a bunch of time for delays.

It’s been a long time since I was in Orlando (1997) and Ft. Lauderdale and Miami (1980), so returning to Florida was a bit like remembering the boy and then meeting the man years later. I was in Gainesville (2006), but college towns really never change in attitude.

I did very much enjoy the beachside ambiance of the  Aruba Cafe in Ft. Lauderdale.  Which reminds me. Have you ever noticed how food is always more expensive in states with high taxes? I noticeably blinked when I saw how inexpensive a quality dining experience was in Florida. Taxes, like a rising tide lifts all boats…. Jumps retail prices in a factor economist refer to as a multiplier effect. It’s hard to find anything with a competitive price in high tax states like New York, Massachusetts or California.

Oh, Laura my bride of 39 years had a little business to do while we were in Florida, but it gave us a chance to visit some nice folks including our daughter Kristin, her beau an his family.

It was a nice vacation.

Pork and Butter is the secret of life

Back in the days when I had one wooden spoon and one knife, my grandmother pulled me aside to show me some of her secrets. Probably one of the most fun was leaning some of the tricks of the trade that folks got away with in the days gone by: chicken stock as a base for virtually all soups and the golden goodness of butter and pork. She would use a small amount of pork fat into almost everything she did… and I will confess to always having some around and using it frequently… sometimes in combination with butter.

To be frank, I don’t eat out that often, but when I do, I like to see what the chef recommends… that is to say… what the chef does best. Pork consumption is an increasing trend, first of all because it is delicious. One article made the following statement:

“Pig will be big in 2010, 2011, 2012,” said Carter, who plans to open two more ventures in downtown Phoenix this year, including El Rey Taqueria with a whole-pig roaster built in behind the bar.

As for me, I cannot think of anything more enjoyable than including lamb with pig as in tat great South African dish called   Bobotie!

Emeril’s Delmonico’s in New Orleans

The Lobby of Delmonico's in New Orleans CLICK on the above picture to read about their successful team!

My daughters do know how to ‘get to me’ at times! Karen was in New Orleans for the  Reputation Institute annual Conference and she decided to ‘drop by’ the fine folks of Emeril’s Delmonico Restaurant in New Orleans! She definitely was ‘treated like a queen’ and then she did the most awful thing she could do… she sent me pictures of her meal!

Everything starts with the initial presentation!


Karen chose a wonderful selection. Karen wrote about her start: “My appetizer – a creole rice dish with pork – it was DIVINE!”

On the main course, Karen wrote: “The main course – pork chop with egg, bacon, and other delicious sides to make it one of the most enjoyable meals I have ever had!”

Ah, then comes dessert and Karen wrote: ” And the way to cap of the evening – a fabulous dessert! Corn bread pudding with honey ice cream, blackberries, and bacon (yes, I said bacon!) It was a true foodie heaven experience! :)”

Karen also noticed that they had a copy of the famous cookbook ‘the Epicurean’ , which was one of the turn-of the century cookbooks I gave my girls to start. After all, you never know when you will have to set a service for 24! 😉 Anyway, as Karen would say, ‘Dad did have ‘foodie envy!’ However, I am very happy that she had such a wonderful and fun experience!

“Bon Appetite” or as Emeril might say,”Bam! Bam ! Bam!”
