Now it Kristin’s graduation at University of Virginia


Kristin will be graduating with her second engineering masters degrees… and since we love everything South African, we are having a celebration at the Shebeen! CLICK on this picture to visit this fun restaurant in Charlottesville, Virginia!

I’ve know a few folks from South Africa, although I admit they were mostly from South Africa in the pre-digital age… and they were athletes. I remember being recruited by one world record holder who admitted that when he was recruited by this same school in the frigid north , the coach answered his question on the location of his school in relation to California by saying,”yes, we are near California!”  ooOoOoOh, I guess it was sort of true.

In any event, we will be celebrating Kristin’s second masters in engineering with a fun time at the Shebeen!

Oh yes, Kristin, congratulations! This is very cool.

Dr. Karen Freberg becomes official!

I made this heaping pile of BBQ’d Ribs for Karen’s graduation Party! Chef Kristin prepared Prime Rib Steaks, garlic Bread, Roosevelts Baked beans and plenty of goodies!


It is always exciting when someone we know achieves a milestone and our daughter Karen gained her doctorate at the University of Tennessee this week! In addition, even in this tough job market, she was offered and accepted a tenured track position at the University of Louisville! Congratulations!

The University of Louisville will be Karen’s new home


I guess going to the Kentucky Derby in Louisville may be in our future plans!

fee fi fo Seafood GUMBO!

A little Seafood Gumbo for later! (CLICK picture for recipe)

It takes me a few days to make my seafood gumbo… but then, I have to ‘taste it’ as we go along so it isn’t really a problem for me!

I am reminded that some home cooks complain about wonderful old cookbooks like the Epicurean because a recipe may be for 24… and not for 2!   However, I really don’t see the problem? If you make a lot of Seafood Gumbo and you are ‘forced’ to freeze the leftovers… oh darn!

In any event, when I talk about seafood gumbo, I am talking about the use of : diced clams, crab, lobster ( if you can get a bunch cheap) and little shrimp! After making a nice saffron rice ( Bomba is my favorite), place larger cooked pieces of crab and shrimp on top of the rice then pour over it your Gumbo mixture! Sublime!

If you make it, make it for someone you love!

it’s hot & miserable outside, so it is time for GUMBO!

seafood gumbo
Seafood... just for the sauce! CLICK on the picture for my 'hidden recipe' file!

I get asked questions like: How much seafood do you put into your gumbo? The answer is… it depends. I use chopped crab, tiny shrimps, and diced clams in the sauce. I use larger pieces of shrimp and crab when I am assembling the gumbo at the end. The reason is simple, when you cook seafood together it tends to blend into a harmonious wonderment… but you do want your friends to be reminded of what is in it, so you naturally add some larger cooked pieces into the sauce prior to serving.

the liquid ingredients blending together along with the okra! Remember, at least in my mind, you can never have too much okra! 😉 I will reduce this mixture a bit, as well.

Most of our spices don’t give up their flavorings easily and it is nice to have your first  taste of gumbo have all of the original spices up front. For this reason, I add my various spices to my wine, stock, and clam juice cocktail and let it sit in the fridge for a couple of days… a spoonful of this and… ZOW-WEE!

Tomorrow, I make the rouge and begin putting this all together.

Bon appetite!

the never ending pursuit of the perfect shortbread

What makes a perfect shortbread?

Shortbread is an amazingly simple recipe and with very few tweaks you can make almost anything else… it is all so very yummy. As a child my first and favorite cookie was called Russian Teacakes… but they came by many names such as Mexican Wedding Cakes and Sandies. Shortbread is a more buttery alternative and i have merged it with some of the things in my favorite cookie…

Now, a little coffee and it’s perfect!