life is a bowl of bagels!

Bagels are the staff of life!
Bagels are the staff of life!

Nothing is more fun that to play around with the types of bread used for lunchtime sandwiches. The variety of bread used adds a lot of interest to the meal without adding to the waistline!

One of my favorite breads is the humble bagel! I love bagels covered with seeds and containing some surprises! My favorite addition is a cinnamon blend and blueberries!

Here’s how I like it best!

How was your lunch?


Karla’s animal cookie recipe

Karla's Animal Cookie Recipe
Karla's Animal Cookie Recipe

Karla was a bit distressed when it looked as if the commercial product “Mother’s animal cookies” were about to be discontinued! Fortunately, ‘Mother’s’ decided to keep the brand alive.

Karla wasn’t certain, so we came up with our own recipe… and frankly, it is really yummy! 🙂


3 1/2 cups of bread flour

1 1/2 cups Baker’s sugar

1/2 tsp sea salt

1/4 cup butter

1/2 cup water

a splash or two of rye whiskey


powdered sugar, vanilla and butter ( and a little Amarula never hurts)

350 degrees for 12-14 minutes or until slightly brown.

Karla Mixing her Batter
Karla Mixing her Batter


Roger Freberg

They love Greece, but they love my Baklava best!

Family in Greece
Family in Greece

Laura, Kristin and Karen came together for a week in Greece and soon they will be departing for their homes and assignments. Although I would have enjoyed being with them, I felt like I was actually there by seeing and talking to them on Skype and seeing all of their fantastic pictures!

Whether it was the truth, or whether they were just trying to make me feel good… they all said my Baklava was best. Laura even brought some along to share! Laura did say she was bringing some Greek Pistachios home for me… I wonder what she wants me to do with them!

Next time, I’ll try and tag alone, in the meantime, welcome home, Laura!


My Baklava Recipe

the apples are not quite ready

The apples are ripening... but alas, not fast enough!
The apples are ripening... but alas, not fast enough!

I had hoped to have at least one apple pie in the oven by now, but our tree is a bit of a trickster. It looked like it was about to produce more than I could imagine and quickly, then suddenly, it slowed down. As we say in Marketing, this is the part of the ‘vertical integration process’ of our organization that fails to make its deadlines! I find trees so unpredictable.

My basic Apple Pie and Apple Sauce Recipe

As for recipes, I enjoy our more ‘natural style’ but this year I think I am going to produce pies with a thicker and more abundant syrup but maintaining the relative seasoning and sauteing.

ready for the oven!
ready for the oven!

yum! Apple Pie season for me is almost here!

Roger Freberg