Chimichangas are el magnifico


Chimichangas are generally the most expensive item on the menu of your local Mexican food restaurant. The reason is very simple, it is the extra beef and the preparation time.

Chimi’s were developed in and around Tucson, Arizona in the 1920’s as part of what many refer to as a blend of cultural tastes or ‘fusion’ cooking. Call it Tex-Mex or Tucson-Sonora Cooking, it tastes just as wonderful!
Here’s one fun way to make chimichangas. If you make them yourself, you may never buy another.

Here’s our recipe!

Rogelio's secret of the Chimichanga is safe with you? Yes?



Want to cook for Fun try a Chimichanga!

Rogelio's el magnifico chimichanga

What good is a great deep fryer if you can’t use it to make something truly wonderful?

There are many excellent stories about the invention of Chimichangas in Southern Arizona around the early 1920’s. What started out as an overstuffed burrito that then was deep fried has evolved to a wide variety of very special meals with all the trimmings!

Rogelio ( pronounced ‘Ro-hel-lio’) has put aside his Boston Baked Bread  to prepare ‘el magnifico chimichangas’… and pictures will follow. This is my project for today.
In the meantime…. Margarita’s anyone?


Boston Brown Bread and Boston Baked Beans

Boston Brown Bread Steamed in a Can

One of my father-in-law’s favorite items was an old fashioned Boston Brown Bread with Boston Baked Beans. He enjoyed his bread baked the old fashioned way, it was steamed in a can!

Now I just happened to have a can left over from our recent wine making epizode!

The key is to find the right recipe and beware of many poor imitations on the net. I’ll post our recipes down the road.

Roger Freberg

Having fun with cooking

how do we learn to cook?

I recieved an interesting email yesterday that got me to thinking a bit about how anyone learns anything. He ( it was a he) asked me how to learn to cook and I realized that this was not too different than asking someone how to begin learning to do anything. I began to think about the things I have taught; weight training, coaching, accounting, business, marketing and such. So, here are a few beginning steps  in the process:

1) Build yourself a cookbook library of books that interest you. If cookies are your thing, that could be a good place to start. Most children get very excited about cooking when it involves cookies or desserts. There is nothing more enjoyable than bringing a smile on a young child’s face… which was why Halloween was really invented… for big kids like me!
2) Find a few recipes that you wish to try and don’t fret if the first things you bake are less than perfect. A cake that falls can happen to anyone. All recipes are not equal, some have more ingredients, more expensive ingredients and greater time in baking and preparation. A rule of thumb is to stay with the more expensive recipes ( requiring butter for example) because even if the recipe isn’t perfect… it should still be very nice.

Most recipes are designed around price ceilings or time constraints… if you pay less attention to these two factors, then you and those  you cook for will be much happier. “30 meals in 30 minutes” tastes like no one cares.

3) Try some of the established recipes  and as they say,” it is your job to follow the recipe, it is the chef’s job to be creative!” Once you have an idea of what you like… then tweaking it to your particular taste is a given!

4) Put together some logical established recipes or those you have adapted. Soon you will have a signature dish that friends will enjoy and think of you… sometimes this is all the immortality we ever have. I remember fondly some of my Grandmother’s wonderful recipes.

5) Finally, after you have studied the various recipes, tried out a few… it may be fun to create on your own. The key is not to let failures get you down… some times there is no way to improve chipped beef. That’s life… move on to what you enjoy.

Have fun!


Capt’n Rog Seafood Lasagna

Captain Rog  Capt’n Rog be hearing such catterwalling and sputtering and grumbles about how he be not sharing some of his recipe secrets with ye. Barnacles and Bilge rats be saying the Capt’n is holding out on ye and leaving out key ingredients and steps in his recipes!

aye, it be sadly true.

Now , I be caught fair and square, so I be sharing some of my booty with you swabbies of the kitchen.
Me also being a seasoned sea Captain , it be only right that we talk about the best way to charter a proper course in the Captn’s own Seafood Lasagna. I hear tales it has become very popular in Hawaii by a sea wench whose exploits have commanded her a ship of her own. Me “Seafood Lasagna” has no fish swimming in it … it be only pure delight says I.

So, be me a merciful capt’n, I have put up a  few maps  to help with some of the more challenging obstacles ye may face along the way. These be the last friendly words ye may hear.

Under the surface, matey is where the treasure be. So, here’s a look before the sea of Mozzarella cheese is added!

Seafood Lasagna... the best there is!

Now, all you have to do is cover with cheese…. cook and enjoy!
Hope this helps!

Captn Rog