Love is spelled ‘Apple Pie’

A wonderful Apple Pie made with love for Kristin's future visit!
Here’s the Apple Pie with a streusel like topping that I made for my daughter Kristin’s future visit… she also requested something unusual… a full ‘feast’ involving various stuffed birds… should be fun.

The pie above is obviously not baked but will be frozen for the ‘event’. That’s something really nice about Apple Pies, they often taste much better cooked after they have been frozen.

into the freezer for later!

This ones for you Kris! Here’s the recipe.

In Praise of Apples!

See Canyon Apples

I was never a real fan of ‘apples’. Apples tasted liked sweet and slightly flavored styrofoam to me. As for apple pies, I found so many to be too much apple and not enough of everything else. Crunchy apple pies with poorly baked apples seemed to be the rule… they never seemed to be right …. until now!

Of course, starting off with the perfect apples is always a key… and not just any apples … but those especially good in baking! As I have discussed in my blog… we have this wonderful ‘See Canyon’ Apple tree that never fails to produce tons and tons of great apples for baking! I have pictured some of them above… the only thing I did to them is buff them up a bit on my cotton shirt…but they are as wondrous as they appear!

Our apple Pie Recipe 

We do prepare our recipe very differently than what you are accustomed to reading… but then, that is why I now love apple pie!

Roger freberg

Family Fun at grandma Char’s

fun and games at Grandma Char's

I believe in the ‘perpetual learner.’ This is the concept that we are forever students… willingly taking in new ideas and experiences and hopefully understanding a bit more of our world. Yep. I learned a lot this weekend.

My mother aka Grandma Char had a fun family gathering this weekend and although I was told I wouldn’t have to cook… here I am running the BBQ! It was only afterwards that my nephew and his bud confesses to being BBQ masters! Hmmm… I was played. Laura and Karen brought Carrot Cake, Apple Pie and Ice Cream and my sister Jennifer donated all the meat and sausage It was wonderful!

One small problem… Laura was kind enough to run home and grab some of my cutting tools… in particular a  Cutco brand knife of which I am becoming very fond.

Karen and I posted all of the pictures on Facebook… they’re public.

Roger Freberg

Cal Midstate Fair: Fun, Animals & Cutlery

Lots of fun at the California Midstate Fair in Paso Robles!

Every year we travel the short hop to the California Midstate Fair in Paso Robles, California!

Obviously, Karla loves the Carousel and the animals… but there is always so much more… I enjoy shopping with the vendors! There were a few I spent an inordinate amount of time… particularly the folks from Cutco … they make interesting cutlery. I’ll buy a knife to see how it works for me… and this one had a lot of appeal.

My New Cutco Brand Knife.... so far... it works great!

It’s as sharp as it looks!

I did happen to watch the diddy on “Modern Marvels” that appeared on the “History Channel”. The story was interesting and well told.  Here it is!

Cutco on the History Channel
Looks like my new knife will get a work out tomorrow… if I like it, I’ll buy more.

Roger Freberg