Our See Canyon Apple Pie!

Will you think this is the best Apple Pie you've ever eaten? I hope so!

Here’s our wonderful Apple Pie just before it pops into the oven!

I think finding & using the right apples make all the difference. We have a solitary See Canyon Apple Tree that produces as much as some orchards! Well, maybe not… but they are worth it as great cooking apples!

Check out our recipe!

Hopefully, you have met a new favorite!

Roger Freberg

Ps. top it off with home made vanilla bean ice cream…. ah, nothing better!

Jenny Craig’s Ideal Size Challenge!

Jenny Craig Challenge!

Well, Karen and I have submitted our entries into a little contest put on by Jenny Craig. It’s called the Idea Size Challenge. It was fun just to get this far… and the most fun to have taken off the weight ( with more to go!)

Here’s Karen’s Entry

Here’s Dad’s Entry

There are a lot of ‘diet heroes’ out there and it is fun to read about their challenges, pitfalls and successes.

Check it out!

By the way — Both my wife Laura and our daughter Kristin have also succeeded fabulously on Jenny Craig, we’re trying to get them to enter.

Roger Freberg

My See Canyon Apple Pie

a good apple pie requires the best apples

There’s something very special in a homemade apple pie. It says something about our history and family. Of course, everyone has a favorite recipe… but the key, I believe, starts with using just the right Apples. We have a ‘See Canyon’ apple tree that makes all the difference.

Laura has made a wonderful recipe for apple sauce that is quite a hit!  Here it is! 

Today, I was slicing and Sauteing & Caramelizing the apples for the apple pie… more on that recipe later.

Roger Freberg

Sometimes, you just don’t want to know!

Boston Cream Pie Nutritional Label
My bride of 36 years asked me for the recipe for yesterday’s “Boston Cream Pie” that I had a chance to blog about and post.

The first thing she asked,”How many servings do you expect to make from this cake?”

I knew where she was going with this, she intended to make a nutritional analysis and I intended to not fall into her trap!

“Oh,” I said, “about 50 servings or so!” She was not amused. ( it is 12)

Any good Boston Cream Pie is going to be heavy on the calories and Cholesterol… but that – I am afraid to say – is what makes it so good! I am reminded that I am still ‘watching my weight’ and yet I know that I can plan a grand culinary experience on occasion. The key to any diet plan is portion control, let’s face it.

This is what makes “Jenny Craig” work.

So, don’t get scared off of delicious food because of what it is… or you will miss the experience. If you plan for these dietary ‘departures’, you can always work it into the menu … and for me that’s once a week!

Live well!

Roger Freberg

PS. Here’s another link to the Boston Cream Pie!

West Point Boston Cream Pie?

West Point Boston Cream Pie?
One of the desserts that my mother-in-law June, my wife Laura and my Daughter Kristin really enjoy is a version of Boston Cream Pie. I use the word ‘version’ because it is really a cake and not a ‘pie’… it should be Boston Cream Cake.

In any event, Kristin enjoyed Boston Cream pie whenever it was served while she was at the United States Military Academy at West Point. I had actually been one of the few toured around their kitchens …. and with Kristin’s description I thought I could put it together… just a bit more expensively.

So here’s my interpretation.

I made it a bit differently starting with a white chocolate cake with Amarula. The custard filling resembles the wonderful French custard fillings found in such places as Del Monico’s in the 19th century. No shortcuts and no substitutions!


Roger Freberg