My bride of 36 years asked me for the recipe for yesterday’s “Boston Cream Pie” that I had a chance to blog about and post.
The first thing she asked,”How many servings do you expect to make from this cake?”
I knew where she was going with this, she intended to make a nutritional analysis and I intended to not fall into her trap!
“Oh,” I said, “about 50 servings or so!” She was not amused. ( it is 12)
Any good Boston Cream Pie is going to be heavy on the calories and Cholesterol… but that – I am afraid to say – is what makes it so good! I am reminded that I am still ‘watching my weight’ and yet I know that I can plan a grand culinary experience on occasion. The key to any diet plan is portion control, let’s face it.
This is what makes “Jenny Craig” work.
So, don’t get scared off of delicious food because of what it is… or you will miss the experience. If you plan for these dietary ‘departures’, you can always work it into the menu … and for me that’s once a week!
Live well!
Roger Freberg
PS. Here’s another link to the Boston Cream Pie!
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