Personal M&M’s make a statement!

warren bakerOkay, true confessions…. I always loved M & M’s!

In fact, I once worked on a project for Forest Mars,Sr. and in one of the Mars Divisions. It was quite an experience…. but that was in the past, and distracts from the now.

So, secretly, haven’t you always wanted to put your face on an M&M? Or perhaps even write a secret message? Well, now you can thanks to the folks at

Anyway, I was thinking of putting a clown’s head on an M & M for an activity we have coming down the road… quite a party favor!

Anyway, think of all the wonderful things you can do?

Of course, some folks would not find this funny at all….

Roger Freberg

Death by Veggies?

Okay, let’s face it, any time I read about how a vegan or a vegetarian diet is harmful, my first instinct is to believe it. Vegetarianism is a nice concept… as long as you don’t consider plants part of ‘life’ …. but it’s merely a mind game.
I am predisposed to not be fond of vegetarians in a large part because of the many famous 20th century vegetarian dictators that caused so much harm to our world, such as Hitler, to name but one of many. And no, I don’t think vegetarianism breeds peace … peace comes from who we are inside.

gee, I hope that's a poison apple and not evil TOFU!!!!

Anyway, recently. I was given a wonderful article on how a diet of ‘tofu’ can actually cause some serious problems… like dementia… read on! This does help explain some of the wackiness of vegetarian groups…. hmmm I will confess to liking a little tofu floating in my miso soup … but I like to live dangerously.

where my blog has been!

BTW. It’s fun to see where my blog has traveled… must be a lot of chefs out there!

Roger Freberg

A Spa In a Teahouse … my little hideaway!

build once.... to last longer

I was very fond of my father-in-law Ed Sievers. Ed would always say that his biggest regret in the home he built to raise his family was that he never designed a space for himself… a place where he could relax, read or enjoy simple things…. like his Scotch.

15 years ago, I took his advice to heart and constructed a mahogany tea-house with a large spa… and a small refrigerator to contain various refreshments. This is certainly not something unique… but good for the soul. Amazing how clear things become when you can step back for a moment or two.

So, here I am reconstructing my little teahouse roof hoping to squeeze a few more years of life out of it… and it’s coming along just fine!

Roger Freberg

What to do with Left Over Paella?

what to do with left over Paella?

This has never been a problem for me before… I have never had ‘left over’ Paella. The fact has always been that there was always more demand but limited supply. However, a while back, I had far too many pans going and alas… too much Paella even for the heartiest appetites!

So, what to do?

Actually, it seemed like an elegant solution. Most of the best stuffed pepper recipes I have found contain a significant portion of rice… and since my seafood Paella is without shells… well, it just seemed like a good idea to stuff a half dozen peppers with Precooked paella! It made for a great ‘after painting the spa house party.’ The spa house needs some varnish now… but that’s not for today… today, is to enjoy the stuffed bell pepper with Paella!

Roger Freberg

Here’s my Paella recipe… without shells

Want to cook…. get an image!

every cook needs an image

Everyone in my family loves to cook…. as they say, ‘never trust a skinny chef!’

So,  Jenny Craig  has been a wonderful thing for all of us to get us on track after some of our more fabulous meals!

Karen loves to make Carrot Cake which is just… let’s say wonderful.

Kristin makes many wonderful things… but I love her Seafood Lasagna most of all!

Karla makes great sandwiches.

Mom does it all!

As for me, I enjoy sampling what everyone makes which has been my downfall in the past. Today, if I am going to indulge  … I do so once a week.

Laura made a stuffed bell pepper with a precooked Paella filling ( ‘percooked’ is a better phrase than ‘leftovers’)…. yummy!

So , tomorrow… it’s back in the world of Jenny!

Roger Freberg