where are the culinary arts heading?
Okay, my blog does get bogged down a bit in culinary topics over the holidays… but then, food does touch most of us most strongly this time of year… which is why there is Jenny Craig.

I was in Costco and I found two wonderfully humongous sized cans of diced clams by Sea Watch International (their RECIPES! ) for my weekly seafood Paella! I was wonderfully surprised to see some very nice recipes and a recipe folder attached between the shrink-wrapped cans. Although I might quibble a bit on some of the ingredients ( I would substitute cream where they call for half and half and use the source spices instead of mixes)… the recipes were simple, yet delightfull.

I tend to forget than many companies now-a-days cannot afford their own test kitchen ( my grandmother ran one) but the folks at Sea Watch have a creative idea ( which explains to me why their recipes make sense):

“Sea Watch International and Johnson and Wales University school of Culinary Arts has entered into an agreement to co-sponsor the first annual Creative Clam Challenge.”

By the way, am I missing something or do ‘culinary schools’ seem to be sprouting up everywhere in high schools and the internet, for example? Although I applaud folks learning to cook as so many think pushing a button on the microwave is ‘cooking’… I wonder if it is economically viable in a world of portion controlled rubber chickens? In any event, I want to congratulate the Lucia Mar School District for considering adding a ‘Culinary Academy” to their high school ( Arroyo Grande, California)… sounds like fun!

Lastly, Laura and I have always tried to offer our family fresh fruits and vegetables… but it is expensive and if you look at the trends… it takes money can eat well. It is not hard to see why a small family will pass over a small carton of tomatoes for $3 when they can buy three hamburgers at a fast food place for the same money. Frankly, I think fastfooders are doing a great job providing quality nutritious food for America… it’s just unfortunate that there are not other inexpensive choices.

Roger Freberg

Link to other Food Trends

Team Building through COOKING!

a great team building exercise!
Everyone knows that ‘breaking bread’ with someone builds a relationship and often leads to a better friendship. I have also found that cooking with someone, whether it be in a kitchen or over a down home barbecue, helps build a better understanding of all involved.

So, naturally, I was tremendously impressed with a little business that puts people together from companies and various organizations working together cooking something fun!

LET’S COOK! is a wonderful idea… and an excellent site. Check it out!

Roger Freberg

ooops! Too Much Fun this Holidays!

too much fun? nah!

Well, a sad little side note.

Combined with too much fun, a cold and inactivity… it’s back on the Jenny Craig wagon again! Not that I didn’t enjoy the holidays, I did! It’s just that I am now over my allowable range… and that’s the way it goes.

Hopefully, I can get the weight off for Saturday… which is the day we cook!

Roger Freberg

PS. it must have been  Karen’s cheese cake, or my Eclairs… or perhaps, Laura’s deliciously decadent  ABC Rolls  (Amarula, Blueberry & Cinnamon!)… nah!

Cooking Veggies is Better for you!

Aaaaah... could you ever imagine Paella not fried?

Don’t you love it when you spend so much of your life being told that cooking vegetables destroys the ‘goodness’ and that raw veggies are best?

Now, we are seeing studies that are showing that many of the nutrient qualities of veggies are actually being ‘released’ and eating cooked vegetables is actually better for you!

Frankly, I am not surprised!

“They” did give ‘frying’ vegetables a bum rap… but I am sure the data will show that the ‘missing’ healthful qualities of vegetables were merely released into the sauce rather than being ‘destroyed’ in the frying process. If in fact this is the case… then frying may actually be a preferred method of extracting nutritional elements from vegetables… besides the side benefit of improved taste!

Roger Freberg