Fun for the holidays

looks delicious

Sometimes wonderful things just drop into your lap. I know I am going to hear my daughters scream over this one. This holiday season, Neiman Marcus is offering a  wonderful truffle Cake  that has so captivated my wife… that it seems too hard to resist. After all, it is chocolate!

In checking out their site… I also found their famous Chocolate Chip recipe! The real difference is the addition of Expresso coffee powder. Laura will just love it!

Thanks to my  cousin Shirley, we checked out her site and discovered a couple of things that were fun to add to our efforts. One was that little ICON that appears in your ‘bookmarks’ and in the address line of your web site!
thanks Cousin Shirley
So we all sat on-line designing what we wanted on each of our sites… thanks to Favicon, we got it done.

So, that’s all we’re up to for now!

Roger Freberg

Jenny Craig & Event Planning

It's a whole new world being thin

Part of losing weight is how good you feel. Everyone tells you this, but when you actually get there, you discover to your amazement that it is actually true! You feel great!

I weigh myself only once a week, and if the results are there ( meaning progress to the goal weight which is now only 2 lbs away)… then I plan an event.  Karen  being a PR guru knows all about ‘event planning.’

My events are simple meals. Smoorvis (South African) and Fried Catfish & Hush Puppies  ( Huck Finns in Tennessee)  are two fun meals I have on the horizon. Huck Finns will be easy as they supply everything… but the catfish.

As Forest Mars Sr. was fond of saying, ‘there has to be a prize for playing this game.’ And in the game of  Jenny Craig  it is ‘event planning.’

Roger Freberg

Seafood Paella and the Pan

Aaaah, now I can finally make ‘Seafood Paella’ the way it was intended!

Thanks to the good folks at PaellaPans.Com , I can now hold my head up in pride with an authentic pan… the size and style common in Spain. Heh heh, I think this is the single serving portion?

Roger Freberg

recipe and pictures to follow