Half Way there at Jenny Craig!

closing in on fifty pounds and half way there!


Well… it finally happened … I am half way there towards my goal weight! I am down to 272.4… I know that sounds like a lot to some folks… but this was my average weight as a college athlete and although the weight is somewhat distributed differently… I can NOW get into — comfortably — a size 38 pair of pants… that’s a big deal to me.

So I am down 48.2 lbs since December, Karen’s down 51 and Laura 45 since Novemeber… obviously, mine was easier to do.

Roger Freberg

Thanks Jenny Craig….. Closing in on 50 lbs!

42.6 pounds down with Jenny Craig...

It finally happened! I passed up Laura in absolute pounds lost 42.6 on Jenny Craig to 41 something… it doesn’t matter that she is a mere slip of a girl and her percentage is huge… it’s absolute pounds that mattter! ha! I was worried as I ate huge at Karen’s track banquet at USC… on Sunday.

I lost 6 pounds in the weeks ahead of Jenny… so 48 is my real total… but no matter… it was a good week in dropping 6.2 lbs.

Roger Freberg

Jenny Craig Dinner…. super sized!

Jenny Craig Dinner.... plus sized
Actually, I designed this meal to actually tease my fellow dieters Karen and Laura.

Laura is on a Jenny Craig 1200 Calorie plan and Karen is on a 1700 Calorie plan now that they are ‘successful dieters’… when you succeed, they drop your calorie intake as you approach your goal. I think they do this to help you along… good idea.

In any event, they protest loudly that I … on a 2300 calorie plan … can actually lose weight… and they protest even louder as it means I get an ‘extra’ meal. I combined my dinner (chili) and my extra meal (turkey burger) into a fine combo meal! Along with the ‘free foods’ of Zuccini and baby onions ( seasoned with Susie Q)… it was…. WONDERFUL!

It does look kinda wonderful doesn’t it? Makes you forget you are actually on a diet.

Roger Freberg

No ‘Snickers’ at Super bowl Ad

Do something ManlyOne of the funniest ads during this year’s 2007 Superbowl was an ad by M&M Mars for their lead candy bar… ‘SNICKERS.’

On the left are a few scenes from the ad… a guy who wants to ‘share’ his buddy’s Snickers Bar.. an inadvertant ‘kiss’ occurs, followed by shock… then a realization that they had to do something ‘manly’… so they tear hair off their chests… and screams erupt.

Very cool.

However, some folks do not have a sense of humor. The funny thing about it… is the fact that they probalby weren’t even watching the Super Bowl! Probably out doing soccer.

Obviously, folks that I would never meet over a barbecue were screaming that it was ‘homophobic’. I worked for a Mars division… so, I know this is hardly the case. It is unfortunate that complaints were made and others ‘bowed’ to the ‘pressure.

In any event, it was an amusing ad … you can watch it again on YOU-TUBE…

So, this month’s ‘Weenie Award’ go to CBS Sports and all the folks who have ‘no sense of humor what-so-ever.’

Roger Freberg

Life after Athletics…. thanks Jenny Craig!

Thanks Jenny CraigParticipation in athletics is like a drug. It is a ‘good feeling’ but an addiction none the less. I get a little preachy with athletes when I remind them that they must plan for a life after they ‘retire’ from athletics… be it at 22 or 40.

Part of retiring successfully is having options. Some of those options can be best addressed by asking questions like:


1) What will I do to earn a living after my athletic life is over?

2) Will I need to lose weight for health or cosmetic reasons?

3) What will I do to fill me time without the hours of training?

As a recently officially ‘retired’ former Southern California Trojan All-American Athlete, my daughter Karen has blogged on this topic extensively… with some great advice:

Out with the Old and In with the NEW Karen!
Excelling in Athletics and Academics
Why there is life after being an athlete!
Jenny Craig and me!
New Year’s Resolutions
Getting Started

As for Karen. she — as we say — ‘has gone where no Karen has gone before’. I can’t remember when Karen was this light… maybe 8th grade? She still has some distance before she gets to her ‘goal’ weight… but with ‘Jenny Craig’ helping… no one will recognize her when she helps out at the track meets. She’s gettin’ thin.

Congratulations, Karen…. and Kristie Alley.
Jenny Craig spokeswoman Kristie Alley muching on Karla's favorite popcycles!

Roger Freberg