Jenny Craig… 36 pounds and falling!

this is what some folks think diet food tastes like...Oh, I know why you really don’t want to go on a diet. It’s because you can’t get enough to eat while fighting the diet and it tastes like sticks and leaveas… and grubs.

Hmmmmm….. well, I don’t know how to say this … but it really really has been a painless experience in losing 36 lbs… and I plan to lose 60 more.

The exciting thing is that I am starting to close the gap between Laura and me in absolute pounds lost… her percentage loss is great, but in battles like this… I change the rules… it’s absolute pounds lost that count! ha!

fresh berries...... yumIn any event , I have to crow about the french toast covered with fresh beeries we have for breakfast… it’s small… but my favorite…

Well… next wek I will be in a place that I haven’t spent much time in… the 280’s… a great weight for me… when I was in athletics… but now only a step towards my goal.

Thanks for stopping by!

Roger Freberg

Time for ‘Peta’ to go the way of the Dodo

The group called Peta or the People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals appears to be anything but. Wikipedia gives us a whitewashed but amusing history of Peta. Peta’s own site presents itself with a little bunny in the browser.

If you check out Peta’s site , you can find links like “10 reasons to go Vegetarian in 2007”. I always thought that these wacked out vegetarians were really after getting the rest of us to stop eating meat… pleeeeease, get a life, folks. One of the reasons to become a vegetarian is ‘meat is gross’… not very convincing, honey…. maybe they didn’t find the right seasoning.

Mug shots of Peta Employees

A couple of their folks are now on trial for butchering a bunch of animals and throwing them in a local supermarket dumpster. Outside of the obvious problems of animal disposal now becoming someone else’s problem, the lack of these folks having anything resembling a moral center is truely disturbing.

An interesting site bringing some light on this rather secretive and — in my humble opinion — obusive and wacky organization called Peta is It is clear — to me — that Peta is a vegetarian, anti-intellectual and anti-scientific organization… much like another infamous group in history… the Schutzstaffel! They didn’t like people either.Big, Fat and Stupid is no way to go through life... 


So, who said Peta vegetarians are thin?

Gosh, after reading all of this stuff it makes me want to rush right out and attend a Peta rally… of course, I gotta bring some of my favorite Colonel Sander’s Fried Chicken!

Eat Meat, wear furs & Enjoy your fried chicken!

Roger Freberg


for the love of Coffee!

Pele Plantation has great coffee!Interestingly enough, whenever I go on a diet… and hopefully, this is for the last time… I have a tendency to ‘upgrade’ on some of the few remaining foods that I am allowed.

One of my major love interests is coffee! Laura posts a bit on the subject , too.

I am sure there are plenty of folks who claim to have the best coffee… although, supposedly the ‘best’ coffee actually passes through the digestive tract of some animal… believe it or not.

However, I have loved the ‘mild’ coffee from Pele Plantations. Now, mildly roasted coffees strangely enough tend to be the more caffeinated… which is just fine by me!

As my daughter Kristin related to me, Pele was the goddess of fire… or as the chant goes “she who shapes the land”. Other Kona Coffee links:

Kona Coffee

Coffee Times

Kona Coffee Council

Kona Coffee Cultural Festival

Ahhhh… so before you jump into that ‘regular’ cup of coffee… pick up some of the real thing… and if you buy some green beans… well… you can roast them in that old popcorn air popper you have stored in the garage.

Roger Freberg

Cure for ‘tired old brain’

Jack LalanneAnyone who is or has been an athlete knows the value and superstition surrounding ‘supplements’. I seem to remember that famous ol’ Jack LaLane takes around 180 supplements a day… that’s what I heard… who knows? it may be more!

As a Type 2 diabetic, I am always interested in learning about any new supplement that would keep me from having to do what I am doing now… lose weight. Alpha lapoic Acid, Primrose oil, milkweed extract and various anti-oxidents with obvious magical or charmed properties have made it into my daily list.

Here’s something new from New Scientist magazine…. so it’s gotta be the truth …. riiiight!

Well,at least there is a study to back up their claims … and I will provide a link to the article. Here’s a brief quote from the article:

“Folic acid supplements can improve mental performance and memory in people over 50, according to a new study.

Also known as vitamin B9, folic acid is naturally present in foods such as liver, spinach and beans, and is taken as a supplement by pregnant women to prevent the birth defect spina bifida in their babies.”

Here are a few things that naturally contain Folic Acid… but… sheesh, you have to eat a ton of it…soooo,  I think I’ll stick to supplements:

Nice chart on the food products that contain Folic Acid

Many multi-vitamins contain Folic Acid at 400 mcg ( micrograms) , however the article quotes the study at 800 mcg… so, we’re going to add some extra Folic Acid… if it helps me better remember birthdays…. then it is worth it!

Roger Freberg

Jenny Craig and remembering Art Buchwald….

Yummmmmmy.... Jenny Craig meals are a bit different in Australia... but it's all good!

It’s a date with Jenny Craig today… and I dropped another 3.0 lbs … not to bad… this makes 33 lbs so far for me and 108 for our family!

I don’t know what the late and great Art Buchwald would say about this… maybe he’d tell me to just sit back and enjoy my ‘turducken.’ But dieting is what I do now-a-days.

I decided to look around the internet and see what else Jenny was offering for meals… and their Australian program looks like a lot more ‘rice bowls’ but it still looks very yummy as you can see above!

It does bother my daughter ( now down 45 lbs from her Trojan Athlete weight) and my wife ( with 30 lbs less from her ‘Professor’ size) that I still get an end of the day ‘snack’ that actually is one of their major meals… but I think… I deserve it! ha! I still have to drop another 60 lbs and I wonder… what that is going to feel like?

2 Trojans: Wolper & BuchwaldArt Buchwald — a Southern California Trojan alum — and prolific writer — passed away recently and wrote a ‘last column’ in newspapers around the country that talked about his final thoughts… his last words? He wasn’t philosophical, boring, bitter, judgemental,  or moralistic … it was all about the glories of food! Now, that’s my kinda guy! Here’s a glympse at what he wrote in his farewell column:

“For some reason my mind keeps turning to food. I know I have not eaten all the eclairs I always wanted. In recent months, I have found it hard to go past the Cheesecake Factory without at least having one profiterole and a banana split.

I know it’s a rather silly thing at this stage of the game to spend so much time on food. But then again, as life went on and there were fewer and fewer things I could eat, I am now punishing myself for having passed up so many good things earlier in the trip.”

Art Buchwald will be someone hard to forget. He was tough on the high and mighty… but he always brought me a smile or two…. and he loved food.

Fight On!, Art!

Roger Freberg

PS. it reminds me… “the secret of life?…. it’s butter!”