FOooOooooD is a REWARD!

Well on their way to 40 and 30 plus weight losses... but foooood is still the reward!

Well, folks can tell you that ‘food is NOT the reward’… but it is hard to realize that concept on a day to day basis. We want to be thinner… but it’s hard to stay on the diet if your food doesn’t taste good… or if there isn’t some sort of daily ‘goodie’ to keep us all on track!

Fortunately, most of the diet gurus… and those at Jenny Craig… have designed some rather tasty meals with numerous snacks. I even had a delicious ‘brownie’ yesterday. Besides all this, I have found that a ‘goal meal’ might figure into my plans as well as a ‘goal weight.’ Some folks might think that this is the ‘beginning of the end’… but I say… you have to get to your goal weight first … and only then does weight gain become an issue…. and Jenny Craig has an answer for that.

the Bid Texan... 72 ounces of pure enjoyment!So… I was thinking to myself… what is my goal ‘food’? AAaaAAah, I remember when 2 of my hunting buddies and I stumbled out of the fields after a day of Pheasant Hunting in Amarillo and walked into the Big Texan… and sat down to a 72 ounce steak… magnificient. It was the start of a beautiful three day ‘protein’ high.

Now, for all you tenderfeet out there… you can buy your own steak from them and even buy some of the souvenirs… that is… if you can’t get there yourself.

I figured that I could cook this one up myself! That is… when I make my ‘goal weight’…. it’s already ordered!

Here’s what others say:

Travel with Chad
I ate the whole thing!
Honeymoon and the Big Texan
Morten gets around
Travel Channels 10 Best Places to pig out!

Roger Freberg

Jenny Craig — Below the Big Number!

Well, here I am in week 5 and I have dropped nearly 30 lbs. It feels good!

More importantly, I dropped below the top end of my ‘athletic weight’ of 300 lbs. In college it was so much easier to lug it around… but I am happy to say good bye to it and move on to a lower level.

I never look at the BMI (body mass index) as they have little relevance to folks like me with more than double average bone density and built to endure long cold winters ( long torso)… because my ‘goal weight’ is still considered obese. This is darkly amusing because the last time I was at that weight ( my goal weight) a lot of folks thought I was suffering from an incurable disease associated with being too thin.

Kristie Alley has lost 75 pounds... but it took her two years... hmmmm... well, it's not as easy for everyone... here is her 'before'In any event, I am at 296… I have placed the picture of the ‘before’ of Kristie Alley as inspiration.

Laura and Karen have really done well through all of this… I am glad I joined them. I did send Karen a small meal of ‘turducken’ with all the trimmings in a resealable container that she lovingly refers to as ‘Daddy Craig’… to be opened sometime in the future… not so much as a ‘reward’… but as a remembrance of home.

Losing weight has been a lot more fun this time. It even tastes better.


Roger Freberg

Jenny Craig…. 26 lbs. for me… 95 for the fam!

Jenny Craig





Well, today was weigh-in day for Laura, Karen and me… Karen has been doing a great job shedding her ‘thrower’ weight dropping 41 lbs so far, Laura has dropped 28 lbs and I have taken off 26 lbs in this my fifth week on the program.

Hey, I am a long way from my goal weight… and that’s a secret for now… and very soon folks will be amazed that Karen was ever a shot putter…. and Laura is lookin’ great.

Next week… ah… I’ll break through a big number.

Roger Freberg

PS. If any of the folks at JC are reading this… you need to develope a ‘Pilates-type’ cd.

Jenny Craig & Wii & 20 lbs!

twenty pounds and falling!Okay, I have to admit it… Jenny Craig really does work. In spite of my best efforts to submarine my diet with a Giant TURDUCKEN luncheon on Christmas, I still managed to lose weight this week!

I am now down twenty pounds… which percentage-wise isn’t all that impressive… but it is moving in the right direction.

Not much exercise happening this past week as we were all still under the weather… but we played a lot of the Wii Zelda game… the second or third time through for some of us.

Stay Tuned! I am sure I will lose a bunch when the Southern California Trojans meet the Wolverines of Michigan in the Rose Bowl!

Fight On!

Roger Freberg

PS. I hear that Texas has given Michigan their ‘secret’ play from Vince Young… “slant right”… as I remember, that was Texas’s entire playbook.


Merry Christmas Morning! …. it’s ‘turducken time!’

a Special Merry Christmas Morning to all of you early birds!

a turducken Christmas is very special!

I don’t know what it is… but Christmas Morning has always had many special meanings to me over the years… but on each and every one of them… I was always the first up…. hoping to enjoy the spirit of Christmas and make it last as long as possible.

This year, it was especially important to be up early in order to start cooking the ‘turducken’ …  containing the meat of three ducks and two chickens… and the turkey this year was very large.

I know that when my girls wake up and glide down the stairs… the smell of turducken and the other scents of Christmas will be apon them… could anything be better?

Merry Christmas!

Roger Freberg

….and a special heartfelt thanks to the men and women serving overseas in our armed services… our hearts and prayers are with you.
G*d be with you always!