Building a better Pizza!

A real Meaty Pizza!

Pizza isn’t as bad as you think diet wise… unless you think it comes in the ‘single serving pan.’

The real key is portion control and the types of ingredients you choose to add. Obviously, for those of us who love meaty additions, we will include: seasoned tender steak, Linguica, bacon, ham, sausage, pepperoni, pheasant and Andouille sausage and …. just about every meat one would like to have! Obviously, an assortment of cheeses makes it wonderful along with Mozzarella. Adding onion, mushroom, sliced olives and some of the typical Italian flavors such as Oregano, Rosemary, Purple Basil.

So was this Pizza good?

Oh… I’d buy someone elses… but I just can’t find one as good as the one you can make yourself!


Getting together with Old Friends

Laura Freberg and Pam Lynd having a Good Laugh!


Well, it’s always fun to catch up with old friends separated by time or distance. This week Laura caught up with an old friend since kindergarten, Pamela “Pam” Lynd Fink. Fortunately, special precautions were taken to keep San Luis Obispo and the surrounds safe for the locals.

Jordan (JJ), Laura, Pam and Rod


We went to dinner at one of our favorite places in the area… the Ol Port inn on the Pier in Avila beach, California. If you get a chance try it out and you won’t be disappointed, especially with a little Pinot Noir from local Talley Vineyards!  JJ is looking at colleges to attend and the fam came up to check out Cal Poly (Rod’s alma mater).

Laura smiled and that made it all worth while.


A special Quiche will make YOU smile!

into the oven with our special quiche

Sometimes it takes something special to bring out a smile.

Some people act silly, some tell stories… however, I find that it’s hard not to smile facing a beautiful meal and a smile. So I set out to do something that would make my wife smile… I had been working on it for some time… something that would appeal to her special love of ‘cheese.’

So, with 246 varieties of cheese in France , I thought something from there? Nope it was German. What was this cheesey dish?


So here is what  I made for Laura...  it made her smile… which was the point of it all.

Roger Freberg

Quiche me baby!

President Woodrow Wilson supported this short lived RepublicCertainly one of my favorite foods, be it as a small snack or as the American tradition requires — a full meal packed with goodies — Quiche is wonderful! I make a mean crab quiche.

“Quiche Lorraine” and it’s many varieties has evolved from a German, yes German, dish. The word evolved from “Kuchen” to “Kuche” to “Kische” and finally to “Quiche” as it stands today. So, let’s pay  homage to the homeland of this great dish and the short lived Republic of Alsace-Lorraine.

Although there are still arguments as to the history of this delectable dish, I will side with the French classic “Larousse Gastronomique” (1962 first English Version, 1939 first French Edition… I have both) that says this classic is of German origin. After all, who would know better?

Laura has requested a ‘Mexican style’ quiche for Saturday… and I want a traditional Quiche Lorraine with bacon… so, we’ll probably have something with a south of the border flare…. she would like one of my pie crusts rather than a tortilla shell… so I am still working on it.

Stay tuned.

Roger Freberg

Viva Jenny Craig!

Can you believe she once weighed 349? or more?I know diets!

Believe me, I have been on thousands of diets with some success, but this is the only one that has provided staying power and I am still moving the weight down!

I am very proud of my family that has taken weight off as well… particular the ‘foodie’ children of mine who love cooking and preparing irresistible and wondrous dishes of epicurean delight! Is that description over the top? I can’t really tell! ha! You get the idea… we all know how to cook great stuff, so we have a bigger challenge than most… plus , there is this ‘super taster’ thing that we all share.

Laura has been able to maintain her weight loss for an entire year… and after my weight loss , I have maintained the same for a year… but I am now taking it farther down as is Karen.

So before you worry about us being ‘anorexic’ — as some of my pudgy friends like to suggest — let’s just say my BMI (Body Mass Index) is still high. I’ve got some reasonable work to do! I do get some funny looks from guys when I am snacking on a Jenny Craig Breakfast bar astride my aging Harley… but no one says anything.

Jenny Craig  works… and Jenny has introduced an  “Ideal Size Challenge”  and the deal is very cool… so what’s your excuse?

that’s  Karen  above… doing marvelously!