Love is spelled ‘Apple Pie’

A wonderful Apple Pie made with love for Kristin's future visit!
Here’s the Apple Pie with a streusel like topping that I made for my daughter Kristin’s future visit… she also requested something unusual… a full ‘feast’ involving various stuffed birds… should be fun.

The pie above is obviously not baked but will be frozen for the ‘event’. That’s something really nice about Apple Pies, they often taste much better cooked after they have been frozen.

into the freezer for later!

This ones for you Kris! Here’s the recipe.

In Praise of Apples!

See Canyon Apples

I was never a real fan of ‘apples’. Apples tasted liked sweet and slightly flavored styrofoam to me. As for apple pies, I found so many to be too much apple and not enough of everything else. Crunchy apple pies with poorly baked apples seemed to be the rule… they never seemed to be right …. until now!

Of course, starting off with the perfect apples is always a key… and not just any apples … but those especially good in baking! As I have discussed in my blog… we have this wonderful ‘See Canyon’ Apple tree that never fails to produce tons and tons of great apples for baking! I have pictured some of them above… the only thing I did to them is buff them up a bit on my cotton shirt…but they are as wondrous as they appear!

Our apple Pie Recipe 

We do prepare our recipe very differently than what you are accustomed to reading… but then, that is why I now love apple pie!

Roger freberg

Yahoo 1 – Google 0

Yahoo is doing it right... again!

I wondered aloud on my blog the other day as to whether or not Google was censoring my blog… and the blogs of my family? A little investigation seemed to confirm this concern. First, Laura’s blog hadn’t been visited by a Google spider sincePresident Warren baker of Cal Poly, allegedly early June… although the hits log remained heavy. Secondly, some of my favorite pictures from my blog including ‘Clown Poly’ allegedly of Cal Poly’s aging President Warren Baker mysteriously disappeared from Google’s search engine! Dastardly deeds were indubitably afoot!

So, I did a little political blog about Cal Poly’s latest fiasco and watched to see who picked it up. It’s little more than protesting  the fact that Cal Poly is doing business with a country that discriminates against women… a ‘no brainer’, or should have been. Well… I am still waiting Google… but Yahoo has it up!

By the way, Google, whacking my daughter and wife’s sites was a little C.S…. wouldn’t you agree?

Here it is on the Yahoo Search engine!

Here’s the original post!

viva Yahoo,

Roger Freberg

So my little personal protest… switching everything to Yahoo

Family Fun at grandma Char’s

fun and games at Grandma Char's

I believe in the ‘perpetual learner.’ This is the concept that we are forever students… willingly taking in new ideas and experiences and hopefully understanding a bit more of our world. Yep. I learned a lot this weekend.

My mother aka Grandma Char had a fun family gathering this weekend and although I was told I wouldn’t have to cook… here I am running the BBQ! It was only afterwards that my nephew and his bud confesses to being BBQ masters! Hmmm… I was played. Laura and Karen brought Carrot Cake, Apple Pie and Ice Cream and my sister Jennifer donated all the meat and sausage It was wonderful!

One small problem… Laura was kind enough to run home and grab some of my cutting tools… in particular a  Cutco brand knife of which I am becoming very fond.

Karen and I posted all of the pictures on Facebook… they’re public.

Roger Freberg

Jenny Craig Stars!

One of the Hundreds of Jenny Craig Stars!

I do want to get a fam picture … I am missing Kristin who was doing some sort of Frisbee pt today… at least that is the rumor. In the meantime, I am seen above with part of my family and me and my picture at jenny Craig!
Our local San Luis Obispo  Jenny Craig  is justifiable proud of their many clients who are succeeding at the challenges of developing a smaller envelop for themselves. Laura has maintained her ‘weight loss’ for a year on Jenny… and Karen, Kristin and I are still making progress… we each continue to set our goals lower and lower. Don’t worry… only our chubby friends think we’re ‘going thin.’ ha!

Recently, our local Jenny branch named me ‘client of the month’… how cool is that for doing what I needed to do anyway?
