Something Nice Happens

Laura FrebergIt’s always more fun to read news that is positive rather than the usual troubles. In our mnids, a little positive is always stronger than a bigger negative, although we seem to be confronted with so much negative! It must be our nature as human beings to hold on to that rare bit of positive to carry us on from challenging day to challenging day.

So, you can imagine how ‘nice’ it was to read something wonderful about someone I feel to be worthy. I have always viewed my wife Laura Freberg as a role model for young women… particularly our three daughters, and that she has had a similar affect on others. Here is a exerpt from an  article in today’s Mustang Daily:

“In the course of interviewing Laura Freberg (a psychology professor here at Cal Poly) for a story about her blog being nominated for an award, she told me she is a tech junkie like myself….Many women like sports, technology, science, math, or a hundred other things that the classic TV model refuses to see in us….Thanks for being a role model for other women, showing them it’s all right to be this way.”

Laura has a fun blog to read and  syndicated with an on-line university … they are supporting her in her Weblog Contest!

Thanks! and Don’t forget to Vote!

Roger Freberg

vote every day!







Jenny Craig Maintenance!!

I won't show you a 'before' set of pictures... but this was the way we were when we first met as 17 year old!

(don’t forget to VOTE,check bottom link)

Well, the  divine   ‘Dr. Laura’  and I have finally met our weight goals at  Jenny Craig!  We did it!

Probably the most scary thing for ‘former dieting’ people is keeping the weight off. Fortunately for us, Jenny Craig has a simple program of ‘maintenance.’

This involves adding a larger amount of calories per day tailored to your individual needs… just enough calories so that you maintain your weight.

I augment their program with a weekly ‘event’: Wine, dessert, great company and ‘something special’ as a main entree. This weekend is another special:  Bobotie  (yep, I am addicted), South African Wine and  Amarula Carrott Cake!

So, we’re happy with the ‘new’ us… and if you were ‘chubby’ as we once were and want to change… there is hope… read my blogs under the category “Jenny Craig”… and –hopefully– this will inspire you ,too!

Roger Freberg

You may vote every 24 hours!

Click on the logo at the left …or  HERE  in order to add your vote for  Laura’s Psychology Blog!

VOTE for Best Individual BLOG!

Vote for Laura!
Ah, I am sure that our Laura never thought she would be in an vote… but then… here she is! It is quite an honor to make it to become a FINALIST and everyone in the family is so proud. Her BLOG  is really a good one… even if we are a little biased.

So, if you could take a moment and add your support by voting for  Laura for Best Blog!  It would be a kind thing to do.

Roger, Kristin, Karen and Karla ( the Laura support team)

Trick or Trunk? Hmmmmm

Halloween 2007 was wonderful!
Halloween is such a wonderful time each year… it brings out all the children… young and not-so-young! Grandma June came to the door… but we still knew who she was! This was Karla’s first time giving out the candy.. she loved seeing all the smiles.

We placed a few of our old Paper mache’ masks on the fence for decoration… many happy times gone by. Kristin’s ‘voochko’ mask was in the courtyard.

Karen  tells of a different way they do Trick or Treat in Knoxville. Parents in the community meet at some common location – a church or park — and open their trunks to their cars and the kids roam around asking for treats. It’s nice… but I like kids coming around the neighborhood.

This year… I ate none of the candy! ( It was See’s!)

Roger Freberg 

Happy Halloween!

Karla's addition to the Halloween decorations!

One of the most fun evenings for children… and now it seems young adults… is Halloween! Every year, I look forward to it and now that we have more children in the neighborhood… the community just seems to be more alive!

Tonight, have a safe and happy Halloween!

Roger Freberg