Teach Your Children to Cook!

when children cook... it's wonderful!
People are not really all that surprised when a man says he can cook… we’re all getting used to that. It does raise an eyebrow in surprise, when folks discover that your children cook very well… and they naturally ask how ?

Here are a few thoughts:

1) Children — boys and girls alike — enjoy cooking food that they will eat, especially if a) it is something they will enjoy and b) it is relatively simple to make.

I was only a few years old when I cooked up my first pot of rice… it burned at the bottom , I then added butter and I was in heaven!

2) Desserts are usually the first things children are willing to learn. Roughly 80% of all cookies baked are Chocolate Chip, so this is a good place to start. Getting children involved in holiday cookie making, cookies for school birthdays and cake making starts to expand their baking experience!

Karen’s first effort was “Death Cupcakes.” A chocolate cupcake with chocolate frosting smothered with chocolate chips and topped with a “Blow-pop”. Obviously, Karen brought cola to school to add to the excitement of her birthdays!

Both Kristin and Karen enjoyed making  Mudbars  for themselves and their friends!

3) Personally, I never forget the wonderful smell of bread. Baking bread the old fashioned way or with a breadmaker is a logical next step.

Kristin loved her bread and her yummy cheesey breadsticks!

4) Simple meals are next: learning sandwich making, the art of the barbecue and a home made Pizza are always interesting for children!

My nephew Scott loved my “Meat-za Pizza”! Although I don’t know if he ever made one for himself?

ahhhhh... wonderful!
“Bobotie”  is an easy ‘fun’ dish to make from South Africa!

5) Children are ready for a more ‘academic exercise”… some people call it ‘learning.’ This is where I present them with a simple cookbook (Better Homes and Garden’s is perfect).

Once you get to this point there is  no stopping them … Plus… then even Mom and Dad van take a break now and then!  Karen  & Kristin have developed their own style.

Mom taking a well deserved rest!

Roger Freberg

PS. When everyone is ready, Seafood Gumbo  is fun to make and can be frozen in many little contaniers to extend the enjoyment for the days ahead!

Jenny Craig & Event Planning

It's a whole new world being thin

Part of losing weight is how good you feel. Everyone tells you this, but when you actually get there, you discover to your amazement that it is actually true! You feel great!

I weigh myself only once a week, and if the results are there ( meaning progress to the goal weight which is now only 2 lbs away)… then I plan an event.  Karen  being a PR guru knows all about ‘event planning.’

My events are simple meals. Smoorvis (South African) and Fried Catfish & Hush Puppies  ( Huck Finns in Tennessee)  are two fun meals I have on the horizon. Huck Finns will be easy as they supply everything… but the catfish.

As Forest Mars Sr. was fond of saying, ‘there has to be a prize for playing this game.’ And in the game of  Jenny Craig  it is ‘event planning.’

Roger Freberg

Great Documentary : Indoctrinate U

Indoctrinate U is Enlightening
Unless you were at the Premier showing in Washington, D.C. or recieved a dvd preview as I did recently, you haven’t seen one of the more fascinating yet unsettling documentaries of our time.

I am speaking of  “Indoctrinate U”.

This documentary visits universities all over the country looking at issues of free speech, faculty political composition and institutionalized hostility towards dissenting opinions.

Cal Poly San Luis Obispo  is one of the featured ‘villains’ (my word) in Evan Malloney’s Documentary. We know a little bit about them ourselves from the top down… just Yahoo/Alta Vista or Google the name  Steve Hinkle  and check out the free speech site  FIRE.

This is a movie every parent, alumna, donor or concerned citizen should see… especially before sending your child to college or choosing a college…. any college.

Roger Freberg


Cal Poly needs to change it or lose it

Cal Poly College RepublicansChange is very hard for institutions. They fear change. Change represents a threat. After the left started their march through the educational system in America in the 60’s, they closed the door behind them to keep ‘everyone else’ out.

This is the REAL reason why there are few conservatives, moderates or Republicans in Academia.

Cal Poly is not the worst, but it is typical of the problem of a ‘one party’ system in higher education. It is an example of “you think like us, or you’re against us.”

Although many universities (including Cal Poly) are continuing to maintain apparently illegal and draconian ‘speech codes’ ( see thefire.org),  it’s really hard to argue against ‘free speech.’ Censorship invades even science where discussion of forbidden topics, such as the differences between men and women, are forbidden. As administrators must be saying, ‘stick to the code!’

So, I would like to congratulate the  Cal Poly College Republicans  for all that they are doing to make Cal Poly better by encouraging a more open discussion of ideas. Keep up the good fight.

Nice first Column!

Roger Freberg

Cal Poly was recently featured in the premier of  Indoctrinate U   at the Kennedy Center in Washington D.C.

Halloween is Coming! SoooOoooon!

One of the nicest thnigs about Halloween is the children

Before Halloween became so ‘befuddled’ by devolving into an ‘adult party’, it was a wonderful time for adults to demonstrate some random kindness to the children of their community. It was a mysterious ‘treasure hunt’ for children.

The questions were all the same with the kids. Where do your friends live? Shall we drop by on my teacher? And…. who is giving out the best candy and treats?

Our children were also very captivated by the season and I was always curious as to who they wished to become on that special night? I made many a paper mache’ head for Kristin and Karla… but I remember one of my favorites. Karen wanted to go as “Spock.” This became quite a group production. I was tasked with making the shirt … and it sort of came out okay.

This Halloween will have far less children… but we always give out the ‘best’… or so I am told.

Roger Freberg