Katie Couric’s “Fair & Balanced” 2006 Weenie of the Year Award!

Katie Couric crying... is it real or is it Mabeline?Seems like I just wrote a blog about journalists and how they have trouble with the little things… like the ‘truth’… and ‘ethics.’

Well, I open my newspaper up (always a few days late as compared to the net) and what do I see? Oh, here’s an article about Katie Couric and how she has suffered at the hands of the ‘bloggers!’ She is sad that her daughter has to read such horrible stuff about her on the internet… boo hoo!

Well, Katie…. how many folks have you skewered — er, interviewed — on your way to the top? I know… I know… the only people you hurt…. “were all bad!” By the way, how do you people figure out who the ‘good guys’ and ‘bad guys’ are anyway?  Do you think we’re the ‘bad guys’ in Iraq? By ‘we’… I mean ‘Americans’.

Here’s a site that has a sampling of Katie’s ‘liberal bias’ year by year in video. It is amazing watching what you said and how you said it. Here’s a quote that shows how out of touch you are and makes me wonder if you have ever met a soldier… or one who was a woman?:

Couric: “…Tell me why you all decided to honor the American soldier?
Wondering why there’s no woman on the cover, too?”

Time’s Jim Kelly, pointing to cover: “This is a woman.”

Couric: “Oh, there you go, oh sorry….I couldn’t tell because of her helmet.”

Back to Katie. In fairness, I do have sympathy for her daughter having to read ‘stuff’ about her mom on the internet… and so much of it spot on… and accurate… so where’s the beef?  It’s not like the old days of Walter and Dan, when media folks could trash anyone and the ‘targets’ couldn’t fight back… or in this case blog back. Times are different.

Frankly, Katie, although I feel your pain… I just can’t muster any sympathy for you. And although you had quite a bunch of competition this year for the top award with John Kerry and Ted Turner continually stepping in it… you are our clear winner of the 2006 coveted ‘Weenie Award’!

2006 Weenie Award... the big 1/2 nicher

Another year is gone! Who will win in 2007?

Others have their say:

to feel bad or not feel bad for Katie?
Is Katie just the beginning of the end?
Katie at War… her story
Harvard loves Kate’s Legs… go figure
Kate wants to be bitten

Roger Freberg

When journalists Go Bad… or am I repeating myself?

when a journalist goes bad ... or am I repeating myself?I am sure that everyone has had a chance to see a ‘Journalist’ who has gone ‘bad.’

You know what I mean. Someone who has an ‘ax’ to grind and deliberately twists, invents or lies. Certainly, the headlines have been full of stories… often disclosed on the Internet first. Do you remember when we first heard about Monika Lewinsky? It was on the Internet.
So, I asked myself… is there anything that passes for a “code of ethics” in Journalism? I did find a statement of ‘ethics’ in something called the Society of Professional Journalists… but I question some of their assumptions.
Some folks think that journalists should be like …’judges ’..  closer to G*d and above any compromising earthly associations. They state it this way:
“Remain free of associations and activities that may compromise integrity or damage credibility.”
Sounds nice… but in reality, it really means that they are one step away from our culture… and — consequently – they live in a world of their own.  This lack of exposure limits their understanding of the community and the world that they are apart.
I think it was Ted Turner who asked Journalists if they were an “American” or a “Journalist” first? I guess this means – Ted — you can’t be both. However, it is our perspective and experiences that gives us an educated point of view .. Not our lack of associations.
Another part of Journalistic ‘ethics’ that caught my attention is a twist on the Hippocratic oath of doing ‘no harm’:
“Ethical journalists treat sources, subjects and colleagues as human beings deserving of respect.”
I have met one Journalist who embraced the oath… but, unfortunately, he is no longer a journalist. Good people leave all too quickly. I sometimes wonder if it is true – as told in the James bond movie “Tomorrow Never Dies” – that there is no news like bad news? It does seem like the media avoids any ‘good news’ or ‘success stories’ for fear that someone somewhere may feel bad.
However, part of growing up is looking at the world honestly… seeing the good… not just the bad.
Jordan Hasay and mmo and Dad....I know this is too negative a post for this time of the season… but it disturbs me when a newspaper whacks a young aspiring athlete for failing to win a national championship. It isn’t easy to win… we should be supportive, encouraging, and appreciative of our youth when the succeed and merciful when they stumble…
Too often media folks act like judges and less like what we really need …  teachers and cheerleaders …

Roger Freberg

Just say NO!… to Urban Meyer

... and YOU thought he only wore PNIK?Well, I wish Urban Meyer was my son… yes, I really do.

Because I’d take the young man back of the wood shed for a whooping to get his thinking right.

I’d tell him, “boy, you don’t talk to the nice BCS people like that. They’re doing a tough and unpopular job and you don’t have the smarts to be complaining.

So while he’s pulling his britches up over his smoked back side, I’d say. “let me say one more thing about the kid’s lives you’re playing with…”

What were you thinking when you said:


 When I was at Bowling Green and 36 years old,
I was screaming and yelling . . . that we needed
a playoff system.”

 “Well, boy? speak up”  “Son, I gotta tell ya that a lot of folks are getting injured in the new 12 game system that might not have otherwise and YOUR solution is good for coaches but kinda tough on the players. So you’d add three more games or what?  “ “I have also seen you pass the buck, fail to praise or recognize your players or coaches and I don’t think you fool anyone when you say:” 

“It’s been there, a little bit of selfishness and other issues
we have had to deal with during the course
                        of the year.
(Urban Meyer quote)” 

“Urbie, I think we don’t need no more chair throwing Bobby Knights around here and if I see it again… we’ll… we’re gonna be right back here working on your other cheek”.  ” Remember, throwing a bunch of guys against a wall to see which one sticks is no way to run a football program. By the way, boy, that jump suit makes you look like a eunuch?” Roger Freberg 





Urban Myer… the “his Weenie Award is legend”

HEY, look! ... I can pat my head and rub my tummy at the same time!Urban Myer is a ‘legend’ in his own mind. How he ever landed a $ 14 million dollar contract to coach the University of Florida Gator football team is the real story.

However, I need to give the man some respect and credit… after all, I said he couldn’t pat his head and rub his tummy at the same time… and he proved me wrong!

No, in my humble opinion, Urban’s ‘legend’ will be how he took a great team that someone else recruited and squandered it. It won’t take too long for folks to realize that the ‘Utah miracle’ was really fancy ‘double AA’ ball.

….. But let’s talk about some of Urban ‘the legend’ Myers most recent comments on the BCS this past Sunday. In making his case for Florida, aka “the Urbanettes”, he disses just about everyone.

the coveted Big Weenie... the 1/2 incher“He said Arkansas is likely out of the national hunt since the Hogs already lost at home to Southern Cal. He pointed out Southern Cal’s one loss was to a non-ranked team (Oregon State) and said Michigan, which lost 42-39 to Ohio State on Saturday, doesn’t deserve another shot at the Buckeyes for the national championship.”

Hey, I think he still has to play Arkansas.. or did I miss something? Maybe he should wait to see what happens there before he makes his case. If I were Arkansas I would post his disrespect all over the locker room…. but maybe they have!

Arkansas is a pretty good football team and deserves a lot of respect. And Florida may have won smoe games but many by only by one play… so is this Urban’s skill or ‘luck?’ Besides, didn’t the Gators play a ‘double A football’ program! How cheesey is that?

Let’s see how you do with Arkansas…

There is soooo many reasons that Urban Myer deserves the Big Weenie Award… the least of all was running my daughter off the sidewalk while she was at Florida… not much of a man… just a weenie.

Here’s what a couple of others are saying:

Urban Open Mouth Insert Foot

Uban Myer Weiner


Roger Freberg

Banning BB guns in Boston? woo-hoo

I remember my first Daisy BB gun... I still own oneJust when you think that it couldn’t get any wackier… politicos in Massachusetts want to take away your BB gun and they are asking surrounding states to do the same!

Don’t you feel safer?

I guess they must think that your BB gun is a ‘gateway’ weapon leading to massive purchases of Uzi’s, red meat any manly thinking. Gosh, we need to stop all that.

Funny how so many states are moving in the direction of licensing citizens to carry a personal firearm… and in the state of Massachusetts they are moving in the opposite direction.

Obviously, there are other things happening: in Michigan– The state ‘drops the minimum age for hunting deer, elk and bear on private land by two years to 10 for archery and 12 for firearms.’

Sooooo…. it has been a busy week… but the coveted BIG WEENIE award goes to the great — once heroic state of Massachusetts…. a full 4 incher!

da Big Weener


If you have a chance to see the NRA’s news and Information site… complete with Sirius Patriot 144 Radio , news and discussion.

Hmmmm…. I wonder when California will move towards allowing citizens to carry?  Hey, from what I have heard more states have passed laws allowing citizens to carry than not. So, Come on Arnold…. get off the tofu and back on red meat.

Roger Freberg