what Michael Moore is worth today

How much do you have to pay to buy Fahrenheit 9/11 todayI have observed that the ‘Oscar’ as presented by the  Academy of Motion Pictures Arts and Science  is a reward for certain contemporary political relevance and not an award for artistic or excellence in entertainment. Entertainment seems to be irrelevant.

It doesn’t take a genius to see that few ‘Oscar’ awarded or nominated films make it past the ash can of history. Name me any of the top awardees from last year? or the year before? You may remember, ‘Lord of the Rings’ only won one.

So what happens to all of the Hollywood elitist’s biggies? Here are a couple:

It’s hard not to remember some of the movies that were pushed so hard in the media, by the Academy. “Brokeback Mountain” was everywhere and finally it was ‘bundled’ with other movies to get it moved off the shelves and out of the warehouses.  You can by it today for as low as $1.27. However, there is someone less valued and in less demand.

You can by Michael Moore’s piece of political spin ‘Fahrenheit 9/11’ for as little as $.47 at Amazon.com… I screen captured the photo ad on my last visit. ( not including shipping and handling)

What does it say about a movie that doesn’t have any staying power and what does it really say about winning an Oscar?

Roger Freberg

surprised to see that Cal Poly can actually do the right thing

Cal poly Faculty solving problems

It kind of tells you what type of control the nasties have on your county when an American, motherhood and apple pie  movie can not be viewed in San Luis Obispo County. Nope, you have to travel to adjoining Santa Barbara County to view an  American Carol  , destined to be a cult classic.

So, Cal Poly State University San Luis Obispo has a lot of support to carry on their particular style of ‘education.’ For those who may not know, Cal Poly was the subject of a documentary  “Indoctrinate U.”  that roasted Cal Poly for their less than ‘tolerant’ ways. Freedom of speech was but one issue covered.

Now, this brings me to update the saga of a ‘seasoned’ Cal Poly professor who sent a widely distributed email to his class that implied if you were presented correct information and were smart enough then you might just get with it and vote for his guy for President. Now he is not alone at Cal Poly, but we pick on him because… besides being arrogant and physically unattractive … we have the complete set of emails. Well, there’s that!
After contacting the professor ( in the area of biology), receiving a sharp reply and rebuff , his dean ( of science) was contacted and reminded of the ethical sections of the American Association of University Professors ( a lefty organization) that advises professors that they should stick to their subject area. Obviously, for example, a Professor holding forth on some political interest of theirs, say, the Bush Doctrine in an English or Biology class is not falling within the guidelines.

Eventually the students were contacted by the professor with an apology. Personally, it wasn’t much of an apology, but then he probably couldn’t understand why McGovern lost because all his friends voted for him to.

So, to make things better, places like Cal Poly must be constantly watched.

Roger Freberg

I am surprised they actually did the right thing in this issue… much for them to learn.

Flying over the Skies of Cal Poly

defending free speech... of students

It’s not hard to be an experienced ‘ace’ in downing the ‘clowns against free speech’ at Cal Poly San Luis Obispo because: 1) they’re so many of them, 2) they all dress alike and 3) they think they’re always right.

“Free Speech” isn’t some antique concept found in some aging paper forgotten in time. This is a machine that needs practice, encouragement, training and the freedom and room to express. Today’s academicians and administrators have little patience or respect for this founding principle of our democracy.

Many administrators and faculty alike think it is their right to talk about politics in the classroom, even in a biology class. And this is relevant to biology how? The problem is when a professor sends an apparently condescending note to his class praising one point of view and ridiculing another, what message does this send to the students? Is he exercising his ‘free speech’ or reducing a student’s rights through coercion? He is in a power position and tick him off and it will affect your grade.

In 1940, The American Association of University Professors published a statement stating roughly that faculty should keep to the topic of the subject they are teaching and refrain … apparently … from subjects not relevant, such as politics. Obviously, this was an apparent effort to restrict professors from speaking in support of the Axis powers, particularly Germany. In 1990, the A.A.U.P. reaffirmed their position. It appears that totalitarian tendencies never really  left academia and apparently not at Cal Poly.

So at a minimum, this Cal Poly professor is violating the  ‘ethical’  guidelines of the A.A.U.P. The professor has been asked to ‘apologize’ to his students and his dean ( who should know better) has been contacted. I expect that nothing will happen and I will have to forward the email(s) to various media starting with our local heroes :  Cal Coast News.Com.

Don’t worry, the ‘clowns’ of Cal Poly breed like rabbits and becoming an ‘ace’ really isn’t all that difficult, they’re kind of like Armadillos jumping into your headlights on an old Texas road.

stay tuned!

Roger Freberg

Greg Lukianoff of the Huffington Report (a right wing e-rag) discusses this issue.

Palin email Hacker has Democrat link

David Kernell is son of Tennessee Democrat Mike Kernell

What did the father Tennessee State Representative from Memphis and Democrat Michael Kernell say of his son David Kernell  ‘hacking’ Vice Presidential running mate and Alaskan Governor Sarah Palin’s email account?

“I had nothing to do with it, I had no knowledge or anything,” Mike Kernell told the AP last week.

“I was not a party to anything of this nature at all,” he added. “I wasn’t in on this ” and I wouldn’t know how to do anything like that.”

Although I personally think the ‘lady doth protest too much’, I think this quote really reads: “Save me… SAVE ME!!!!” Well, hopefully Representative Kernell this isn’t ‘all about you.’ However, I do wonder why you voted against that  ‘ethics bill’  that  passed  in your state of Tennessee? And why is it we can’t find any pictures of Representative Mike Kernell on the net?

As an aside, I have been impressed with the excellent technological foundation given students at the University of Tennessee. My daughter Karen , a Ph.D. Student there finds something to impress me every day. However, it seems as this minor league hacker should have taken another class or two and the father should be ‘inspecting what he expects’ in his son’s behavior.

Maybe a little time in the military or public service would do him some good.

Roger Freberg

Google Censors?

Warren Baker Aging President of Cal polyWell, for those who haven’t noticed… tech savvy folks have been trying to lower the boom on opinions they do not like by getting folks like Google to drop their site.

My wife’s site ( http://www.laurafreberg.com ) hasn’t been visited by Google since June… and here we are in August 2008. Why is this? Laura’s site has nothing to do with politics and everything to do with Psychology, but it seems that everyone is getting whacked here.

The biggest problem is Cal Poly San Luis Obispo and I would like to lay the problem at their door and … there seems to be some evidence. The picture you see on the left appears to be a parody of Cal Poly’s aging President… the great Warren Baker. Well, there was a time when you could do a ‘Google Search’ and find this picture when you searched : Cal Poly, Cal Poly & Saudi Arabia or Warren Baker.

Today, nothing comes up on the search. Why is that ol Googly eyes?

There was another picture of Osama Bin laden in a Cal poly engineering sweater that can’t be found… it is very funny…

There is a story of how Google is suppressing blogs that use their site… but I will leave that to your reading….(Hint) it’s on one of the YAHOO lists.

So, here are a few things you can’t find on Google:

Cal Poly Graduation: Be ‘coul’ dude

Who’s really embarrassing Cal Poly?

Cal Poly & Saudi Arabia: Send in the clowns!

Behind the Cal Poly & Saudi Arabian Green Door

ssshhh… Saudi Arabia is watching you!

Cal Poly degrees for Sale? (contains a picture of Osama Bin Laden in a Cal Poly Engineering Sweater)

Want more fun? Check out all the posts under Cal Poly!

So…. Google…. let my bloggers go!

Roger Freberg