Science Fiction : Understanding our world via Analogy

Hallowed be the Ori

Science fiction has always been a vehicle for discussing emerging and pressing social political issues by analogy. Nothing is new here. However, how an issue is addressed and framed makes the point all the more relevant and inescapable.

Stargate  SG1 sequence entitled the  “Shroud”  (my personal favorite) tells about an enemy that must convert you to their system of beliefs or kill you as an unbeliever. Who is credible, who is trustworthy are issues explored. The most interesting aspect of the epizode — to me — was the seduction and manipulation of Daniel. How good people can become willing pons and do evil… or will he?

Do the ends justify the means? How can one face evil unless one adopts the same tactics? These are all good questions… and the currency is high in today’s world.

Roger Freberg

Stargate or Star Trek or Star Wars or all three ?

Star Trek or Stargate they are all good! I seldom blog on science fiction, but science fiction is a subject that has always fascinated and captured the interest of me and my family. Science non-fiction is valued as well.

So whether it be any of the Star Treks or the wonderful Stargate Series, there is always time reserved.

Some of my fondest memories is of our children climbing into bed with us to watch Star Trek Next Generation ( I am scene here as either a ‘Captain’ but my likely a mischievous “Q”.

So here is my small tribute to all the fans out there who love Science Fiction… or Harry Potter.


Here’s a few fun links on related subjects:

Trek Movies
Star Trek.Com
Star Wars.Com

Roger Freberg

Tribute to Stargate SG 1

from the Stargate siteWhy is science fiction so appealing?

Some folks have noted that science fiction is a interesting way of discussing current social issues without the accompanying emotion. Sometimes, it seems to be just another way of visualizing how life and society could have unfolded.

One of the best current shows — in my humble opinion — has been Stargate SG 1. The homepage of the series is worth the visit! In reading through some of the many pages, it appears… sadly… that season 10 ( Wikipedia lists Gunsmoke at 20 years) is going to be their last. The good news for those of us who are fans of the series… is that they will be producing 2 movies for direct distribution to dvd. Supposedly, we will find the evil ‘Ori’ ( aliens who will kill you if you don’t worship their religion… sound familiar?) finally get theirs.

Science fiction sites and blogs:

Sci-Fi Weekly
Science Fiction & Fantasy
Star Wars
Star Trek

I am sorry to see Stargate go… and I wish Kurt Russell had been along for the ride…

Roger Freberg