I hadn’t been impressed with Kindle before… but with the larger screen, longer battery length, free wireless and all my books backed up at Amazon.com … I don’t think there is a better way.
Don’t get me wrong, I still love my old books as you can feel the history… but for current newspapers, magazines, texbooks and light reading… it looks great!
When Laura and her editor wanted a picture of me for their book… I took a big gulp. I mean this is a textbook on Discovering Biological Psychology. This is interesting stuff… some of it is strange… interesting ,but strange, and I wondered where I was going to fit in all of this?
I guess I deserved a little uneasiness as it is a bit of payback. I will rush to her from the kitchen with those words that instill concern, “…taste this!” She’ll always look as though I am offering her something weird like ‘fresh tentacles in licorice sauce’… but then, she always smiles.
Well, like most people ( unless you are Brad Pitt )… I smile more on one side of my face than the other. So, Laura took a picture of me and created three faces… the real me, one face with two left sides (the left side was mirrored onto the right) and the last having two right sides. What resulted was the three bears: a smiley bear, a medium bear and a reserved bear.
On Laura’s blog today, she posed an interesting question: “what would I look like to a color blind person?” The question is intriguing. How would a color blind person find the internet? Would they find some pages readable while others were difficult or impossible?
On Laura’s Blog she has a link to help answer that question. I captured a portion of my blog and ran it through their analysis. Yep, it all is readable. I have to give credit to my daughters and the choices of colors they use for the blogs and the help they give me.
Obviously, making something available to colorblind people is a reasonable thing to do.
I wondered aloud on my blog the other day as to whether or not Google was censoring my blog… and the blogs of my family? A little investigation seemed to confirm this concern. First, Laura’s blog hadn’t been visited by a Google spider since early June… although the hits log remained heavy. Secondly, some of my favorite pictures from my blog including ‘Clown Poly’ allegedly of Cal Poly’s aging President Warren Baker mysteriously disappeared from Google’s search engine! Dastardly deeds were indubitably afoot!
So, I did a little political blog about Cal Poly’s latest fiasco and watched to see who picked it up. It’s little more than protesting the fact that Cal Poly is doing business with a country that discriminates against women… a ‘no brainer’, or should have been. Well… I am still waiting Google… but Yahoo has it up!
By the way, Google, whacking my daughter and wife’s sites was a little C.S…. wouldn’t you agree?
Well, it’s not often than Mom lags in any area of new technology… except her antique phone.
Finally, armed with all of her likes (full keyboard) and dislikes (touch phone), I found her a phone which will — among other things — allows her to auto into FaceBook.
Now, I won’t have to watch her struggle with her text messages and such.