China Relations: our best ambassadors!

Kristin and Karen representing America well in China!

I am seldom worried about my daughters when they travel… they are excellent good will ambassadors for our county.

They send me pictures and they , very kindly, buy us a few things that they know we’ll love: like a step-by-step cd guide on Madarin Cooking or Chopstick stands ( yes, chopsticks, too).

Here are some of the links to pictures of their wonderful adventures!

Day 1
forbidden city
( Gu Gong )

Day 2
Great Wall
Ming tombs

Day 3 & 4
my Presentation!
Vietnamese Dining
Temple of Heaven

Day 5
Beijing Capital Museum

Day 6

Peking Duck!

At least I’ll have some Chinese Food Locally at our own ‘Mandarin Gormet”


Kristin at the Great Wall

KristinAtTheGreatWallMy daughters are returning home from China and from what I have read and seen from them… well, simply put, they had a marvelous time.

From what I understand it wasn’t all fun and travel and sight seeing and dining at great places and meeting the locals… oh, I guess it was all those great things and more!

Karen enjoyed the fact that Kristin ‘the energizer bunny’ took her everywhere and did everything together. Kristin loved the company. So it worked out just fine.

Yes, Dad and Mom enjoyed the pictures.

For English speaking people, Chinese is one of the toughest languages to learn but I was proud of my daughters working on some of the simple greetings and questions and answers. I know they will want to come back.

Interestingly enough, Karen kept her blogging up and was chosen “Blog of the Day” by an Internet group… very cool.

Glad you had fun , ladies!


Kristin, Karen in Beijing with the Reputation Institute

New friends ni China

Karen had her big presentation at the Reputation Institute in Beijing, yesterday and she sounded like she was ready to go to sleep when it was all over! Kristin said she did a great job… and I know how much that means to Karen.

Here’s  Karen’s Blog  on the event complete with paper and power points! She was discussing Yahoo’s public relations relatively recent nightmare.

Have fun, ladies!


Jenny Craig in CHINA!

Karen or Here is Karen… or should I call her by her Chinese name “Kailin”?

‘Kailin’ is posing at the Great Wall with her  Jenny Craig  Breakfast. ‘Kailin’ is a mere shadow of herself from the days she held 4 National Powerlifting Records! Now she wants to continue dropping weight until the size 10’s she has on now are ‘baggy’ and she has to get smaller sizes!

Both she and Kristin ( or ‘Ki-li-si-tan’ in Chinese ) are off Jenny a time or two in order to sample the local cuisine which I here is wonderful.

They thought that the most recognizable picture from China would be with the Great Wall which at it’s closest point — they tell me — is only 50 miles or so from the outskirts of Beijing!

By the way, my daughters don’t pack things as well as I do when it comes to shipping things and I tease them a lot if anything comes to me crunched, dented or as mush. I used to think that my packing superiority was due to the fact that I moved so much as a child ( 5 different second grades for example). However, I now know that this completely inherited… because look what I received in the mail from their aunt ( my wife’s sister):

this was once a clock

It’s hard to imagine that this was once an exquisite marble clock, ;however, with time and a little patience I’ll get it put together… after all, unbelievably, the mechanism still works! Laura has a nice family… just don’t let them touch anything.

Roger Freberg

Here are some pictures from Day 2 in and around Beijing!