out of the google net for now

"My goo-goo-googly eyes!"
"My goo-goo-googly eyes!"

How long I have been fighting Google?  I won’t go into all the details, but let’s just say that anything I blogged about  Cal Poly San Luis Obispo never made it into their search engine and I checked regularly… plus I have an automated search to do those sorts of things.

Anyway, today is quite a day as one of my less than complementary blogs about Cal Poly appeared on Google. I am not ready to break out the ‘good stuff’… but it might justify some stuffed Greek grape leaf rolls smothered with Greek yogurt and a shot of Ouzo… it is lunch after all.

One does look for reasons why things like this happen? I had thought maybe I got swept up with the sea of ‘conservative bloggers’ being banned… and maybe it was my recipe for bread pudding... a favorite of conservatives world wide that was the real give away?

I look to being banned again, because I am making a good down home southern favorite of the family… Turgoosen! What can be more controversial? Turgoosen is one of those layered bird meals consisting of a chicken, duck (2) and   goose meats bound within the frame of a deboned turkey… and each with it’s own stuffing! It looks like a turkey but slices like a meat roll with rings of stuffing! Just in time for Christmas.

Since all of this trouble with Google, I have become reliant on  BING... the search is better and they don’t hassle me.

Roger Freberg

Cal Poly lets the dogs (clowns) out! woof! woof! woof!

The Cal Poly university administrators have had their hands whacked a few times by the likes of  F.I.R.E. ( foundation for individual rights in education) and they don’t like it. They have been warned and they know they can’t directly do ‘business as usual.’  In fact, Cal Poly has been given F.I.R.E.’s worst rating: red.  They seem to be getting smarter, they have found a new way to insulate themselves from criticism and apparently ‘work behind the scenes.’

As a refresher, Cal Poly likes to run — in my humble opinion — fast and loose with the letter of the law. They seem to believe that they can whack you right up until the point you take them to federal court … and they have to roll over. In the meantime, they wasted lots of taxpayer money, time and become a national embarrassment. So famous is their aging  President Warren Baker that he was awarded the ignominious U.S. News and World Report ‘Sheldon” award in 2003! This has been a long standing problem.

The saga continues with the establishment of CARE-net, a nice sounding name for allowing anonymous allegations concerning fellow students and faculty. Setting up a virtual ‘court system’ for the university to put students and faculty (expressing their constitutionally protected free speech)through an unconscionable ordeal just sounds wrong! This reminds me of the unofficial Cal Poly motto “we reward compliance and not achievement.” Unfortunately it shows.  READ:

Snitch Studies at Cal Poly: We Snare Because We Care

Just when you thought things were getting better.

Roger Freberg


Fire’s Letter to Cal Poly’s Warren Baker!

…..the end? or the beginning?

You bet your blog


Let me throw this question out for you. If you wanted to control the internet, what would be the easiest way? Well, I’d want to control the search engines. Because, if you can’t find differing points of view… then they don’t exist!

There is even a Wikipedia post on Google Censorship. However, it says nothing about how Google censors in America… which is disturbing.

In Google’s defense, they just say that they are complying with all laws. There is a lot of history that supports this approach. However, this ‘just following orders, Sir’ excuse has been the cause for much suffering in the world… ask  Milgram.

I dare say you won’t find this post on the Google search engine… how is it they say? Oh yes, they won’t divulge how they search ( and censor) as that is part of the super secret business model.

In the meantime… I’ll just use Yahoo.

Roger Freberg

John Madden and Cal Poly’s Warren Baker

John Madden the great and Warren Baker the Clown

There’s no way anyone can show their displeasure with someone better than sending them a clear message. Nothing can be clearer than what  Football legend John Madden allegedly does every year to Cal Poly President Warren Baker. There’s a story that came out that says Coach Madden sends Cal Poly President Warren Baker a one way airplane ticket that essentially tells Warren to ‘go back where he came from!’

Here’s the story!

Although there are those who will talk with funerary tones about the great Baker legacy when and if WB ever retires, there is another story that will surface that the story above only touched on.

In the meantime, thank you John Madden.

Roger Freberg

PS. Now, I know that Yahoo will post Warren’s Clowny image… but let’s see if Google will… stay tuned

Yahoo 1 – Google 0

Yahoo is doing it right... again!

I wondered aloud on my blog the other day as to whether or not Google was censoring my blog… and the blogs of my family? A little investigation seemed to confirm this concern. First, Laura’s blog hadn’t been visited by a Google spider sincePresident Warren baker of Cal Poly, allegedly early June… although the hits log remained heavy. Secondly, some of my favorite pictures from my blog including ‘Clown Poly’ allegedly of Cal Poly’s aging President Warren Baker mysteriously disappeared from Google’s search engine! Dastardly deeds were indubitably afoot!

So, I did a little political blog about Cal Poly’s latest fiasco and watched to see who picked it up. It’s little more than protesting  the fact that Cal Poly is doing business with a country that discriminates against women… a ‘no brainer’, or should have been. Well… I am still waiting Google… but Yahoo has it up!

By the way, Google, whacking my daughter and wife’s sites was a little C.S…. wouldn’t you agree?

Here it is on the Yahoo Search engine!

Here’s the original post!

viva Yahoo,

Roger Freberg

So my little personal protest… switching everything to Yahoo