soccer??? enuff said!

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First, I do believe in sports and I agree with Benjamin Franklin’s reference to as a ‘sound mind in a sound body.’ However, although I think soccer is interesting — whatever it is — but, it is definitely not a sport. In a sport you have contestants and usually somebody wins. In the world cup of soccer in South Africa, there were at least eight ‘ties’ and very specific ‘rules’ for advancing in the case of almost certain ties… one of the rules included  “drawing of lots by the FIFA Organising Committee.” Winning by chance or luck should be left in Las Vegas.

Personally, I think a ‘sport’ should reflect reality… and there are seldom any ‘ties’ in the real world. So what is soccer? Soccer resembles ‘aerobics’ more than anything else and call me strange, but watching a bunch of guys jump and run around, pound the ground and show frustration doesn’t do anything for me.

As someone once said, “There has got to be a prize for playing this game.”

Soccer will RULE the World!… so she says

Got Soccer? I am so sorry... 

The other day while we were enjoying a bit of coffee at a local shop, we witnessed a meeting of what only could be part of what I jokingly refer to as the failing ‘world soccer conspiracy.’ Four women and one petite, quiet & beaten on man entertained the coffee shop… they took themselves so seriously… which made this ol’ boy smile.

It was evident that they didn’t have an agenda …nor could any of them run a meeting. It was just like sitting at the local ‘PTA.’ ….Pointing fingers and laying blame for alleged attendance failures, poor refs, not generating enough ‘buzz’ or ‘hype’…. and the inevitable ‘why isn’t my kid playing more?’ whine. Sheeeeesh… it was a sad momment!”

Fortunately, using their collective brain works, they ‘discovered’ why soccer is failing and why other sports ‘surprisingly’ succeed… in one word…it was all due to “ice.” These ‘soccer ballers’ claimed that sports succeed by having the right amount of ice on hand, without enough ice… all sports fail. Huh? Hmmmm, I always have enough ice on hand, so maybe they’re right.

Seriously, in America, sports is more than a political statement… it’s entertainment and a way of life… and a uniquely competitive cultural arena for our time, interest and money. With all this competition, Soccer just doesn’t ‘make the cut’.

Yes Ma’am, soccer may someday may succeed in America… but not today.


Roger Freberg

Trojan Football is coming… “Mui Macho!”

Controlling Anonymity on the Internet

contolling the world of anonymity

Psychologists and anyone who studies human nature knows that anonymity can bring out the worst in people. This is why ‘terrorists’ love masks. Yes, there are those wonderful anonymous good Samaritans in life and on the net… but they are rare. Many folks put on the hood of evil to let their own personal demons out on the world and it amazes me who these people are in reality. Unfortunately, many of these are just average folks… with issues.

I know one athletic board that is frequented by young athletes and their coaches that has since descended into meaninglessness due to anonymous bullying. Controlling bad behavior and eliminating anonymity keeps a board useful, informative and productive. Posters & coaches who have not earned their laurels on the field try to claim them on boards… unfortunately, bullying isn’t always limited to the bad coaches and less accomplished athletes. Athletics — I fear — has its share of psychopaths.

Cyber bullies and cyber gangs can dominate chat rooms and various posting boards if left uncontrolled. Their acrimonious methods and unethical and abusive tactics are much the same. However, regardless of their behavior they are all masked in anonymity. The better boards control for this by demanding verifiable emails and personal data from posters. There are some boards where nastiness occurs even when you KNOW who they are… but they’d no doubt be worse were they anonymous.

It takes effort to keep boards focused… but it benefits everyone.

Roger Freberg

Soccer … Soccure….. Sucker (‘evolution’)

It was announced the other day that women’s professional soccer was going to return. And, guess what? Women’s professional soccer was going to come to L.A. in 2008.  Hmmm… I don’t think there seems to be even room for one professional soccer team…. the men are failing. Anyway, I really can’t remember anything memorable about Soccer other than Brandi’s Bra… which she has written a book about.

sorry, Brandi, it is all about the bra

A few years back, after the fall from grace by women’s professional soccer… oh, Mama Mia Hamm! … I did write a tongue-in-cheek letter on this subject to an Mnbc columist who posted my letter with my email . He had obviously hoped to get all the soccer ballers to write me stuff… All that really happened was a sports bar in Detroit ( I seem to remember) named a drink after me… and a ton of letters from guys who enjoyed the laugh.

The point is… soccer is such an inane, boring waste of time that I am sure that it not only reduces a viewers I.Q. but also their testosterone levels. Watch at your own risk.

Let me be clear, I never forbid my daughters from participating in this alleged ‘game’, but, then I never forbid them from fighting terrorists in Iraq… which one of them did. What I did insist — however — is three things: 1) they participate in a team sport and 2) an individual sport  and 3) where individual effort is recognized and has value and merit…. just like in real life. Basketball, volleyball and track were their favorites. 

drugs in soccer? what for nothing happens!!!!

Interestingly enough, as we are discovering, drugs are also a big part of the soccer community… so spare me the speech on good ‘role models.’ (Soccer ‘legend’ Maradona tested positive for Ephedrin… Nadrolone is a biggie and so is Norandrosterone. It doesn’t take a genius to also realize that use of EPO, stimulants and Human growth hormone is probably part of the mix as well.)

Also, I am always amused when folks point out that soccer is played all over the world… but then so is cricket…. and lawn bowling…. and kick the can. Let’s face it, people play soccer… until something better comes along.

In closing, asking your child to participate in soccer should be more than a nice way for single liberal parents to get ‘hooked up.’

Roger Freberg

Want more? Here’s another Blog on SOCCER

Jenny Craig….. down 41 pounds!

 well... they are soccer players after all








Just a quick note that weigh-ins were today dropped another couple of pounds… no big deal seems to be a regular thing… which I like.

The strange thing is I failed to exercise at all this week… and still lost weight… hmmmm

Karen’s down fifty-something and Laura is still ahead in the weight loss…. so I may have to do a little stairmaster this week to finally pass her up!

Roger Freberg

PS… just for laughs …some soccer ‘athletes’