Bike Short Man will Save YOU!!!!

Bike Short Man will save YOU!


Have you ever seen those guys and gals running around with those strange helmets and weird wearing clothes. I mean, I usually don’t see this kinda stuff unless it comes with floppy shoes and a red rubber nose. The clothes are just… wrong on many levels.

I know the helmet is supposed to save you from… what? a meteor attack? or from a large semi? I’ve sort of put together what this latest super hero looks like:

1) He is quite a soccer fan … he is actually a person who knows that Los Angeles has a professional soccer team… he can actually tell you the scores of every game he’s seen… it’s either 0-0 or 1-0 or 0-1…. it’s a binary thing.

2) He’s a friend of the animals, supports Peta and every other ‘politically correct’ organization, he will never eat red meat and knows how long tofu can last without refrigeration. He thinks a ‘Biker’ is someone who rides bicycles.

3) No, he’s not gay… nor, is he straight… he’s asexual. Sex — after all — is such messy business…. and a dog is man’s best friend…. maybe you saw the movie at the Sundance film festival? Riding on that thingy for hours and days is bad for a guy’s winkie, lowers the old sperm count…. not too be concerned… because he’s too worried about saving the planet… global warming and all.

This is a long way to saying, that all of the Bike-short-men are making their trek through our area in California… if you’re into that sort of thing… here’s the link.

Roger Freberg


Got football?… or do Sumo? Takes a big man & a big heart!

Well, many folks in our world are really afraid of big men. Fear drives some of the stranges actions by those less challenged by gravity.

Just another Big Guy... besides I love Watching Sumo Wrestling when I can find it!I often find myself most comfortable with men my size… larger men… because we understand each other. We don’t fall into the ‘normal range’ of the BMI (body mass index) because our bones are bigger and denser and we are more thickly muscled…. and we ride Harley’s.  That’s the way it is.

We do get strange looks from smaller men — not all — but some generally act with  what we jokingly refer to as ‘castration anxiety.’ As for me, personally, I prefer fried bull testicles… so there should be no worries.

So, here comes a study about ‘overweight’ young football players from the athletically challenged:

“Researchers at Iowa State University found nearly half of the offensive and defensive linemen playing on Iowa high school teams qualify as overweight, and one in 10 meet medical standards for severe obesity.”

Read on and you will discover that they worry about who will be our children’s ‘role models’ and they fret impotently about the ‘obesity’ epidemic in America. However, the real worry shouldn’t be about these big athletic young athletes… because they are at least ‘active’…. one should be concerned about why others are going fat… and this is highly correlated with the limitation or elimination of physical education in high school and the reduction of recess in the lower grades. 

If this wasn’t bad enough, all too many sports have been banned on the playground in schools today… from the ‘high bars’ to swingsets to dodgeball to anything ‘competitive’, it really shouldn’t shock us that kids are inactive…. because these same sorts of people are encouraging them to be this way…. it’s ‘cooperation not competition’ taken to extremes.

There is a real lesson here. Years ago, a heart specialist told me … he was one of my workout partners at UCLA while I was an athlete there… “you can never rebuild your cardiovascular system in middle age if you neglect it in your youth”. The morale is simple: we are doing far greater harm by not insisting on a vigorous athletic youth than criticising — say football players — for being naturally bigger than the average soccer player… which — as we know — is a non sport.

So, let’s encourage our youth to participate in a sport… any real sport… they’ll thank you for it later.

Roger Freberg

“Playing Tag”…. BANNED IN BOSTON!

Playing Tag is Just Wrong... WRONG... Wrong.... so sayeth the weenies in Boston
I know some folks who won’t let their children play — what they consider — “violent sports”… such as: Martial Arts, Wrestling, Football, Hockey and the like. Unfortunately, these kids miss out on a lot… and so when they do crave some excitement in their life later on , are you surprised that they are in Iraq?

I thought it was strange enough when “Dodgeball” was outlawed in many schools… now, the thought police have taken out “tag” and … oh yes, ‘touch football’ and anything else that may be ‘exclusionary’ or ‘unsupervised’. Gee, we certainly don’t want kids to play, exercise or think on their own.

Speaking of identifying a ‘problem’ before it exists:

Tag is now out during recess at Willett Elementary School in Attleboro. So is touch football and any other unsupervised “chasing” games that are deemed to pose the risk of injury as well as liability to the school. “It’s a time when accidents can happen,” said Principal Gaylene Heppe, in her second year at the helm of Willett. Heppe included the new rule as part of a standardized set of playground rules that were not in play upon her arrival.

Unfortunately, the American primary educational system has let America down. We turn out students who are not taught multiplication tables and the history and science your child learns today is inadequate and incomplete. Oh, let’s not forget the strange stuff that passes as ‘truth’ in the classrooms… like the ‘Huns’ were tolerant… was that before or after they slaughtered entire defenseless cities.

So, are we at all surprised at the growth of ‘private’ schools in our cities?

George Washington was a great believer in public schools ( I guarantee that they are not taught THAT in school… ).  Although we are great believers in ‘public schools’…  we also realized that they are largely a failure today. So, when we sent our children to public schools… we realized that we would have to spend a lot of time with our children making up for what they were not taught, and discussing with our children the factual accuracy of what they were being fed.

By the way, have you read your child’s textbooks?…

Here’s some more reading & what others think:

Priestly Commentary
Knowledge Based Revolution

Banning Childhood
Watch out for the Anti-Fun Nazi’s


I guess that so many people wouldn’t be so upset with this latest intrusion into the life of our children… if this was the only ‘assault’. The problem is the elementary and secondary public school system is broke… and nobody in the process wants to fix it. Don’t look to teachers or administrators … they are more interested in keeping their jobs.

I guess that so many people wouldn’t be so upset with this latest intrusion into the life of our children… if this was the only ‘assault’. The problem is the elementary and secondary public school system is broke… and nobody in the process wants to fix it. Don’t look to teachers or administrators … they are more interested in keeping their jobs.

Time to roll up your sleeves… 

Roger Freberg
REMEMBER: if you let ‘a village raise your child’… don’t be surprised if you end up with the villiage idot! 

the Mid-State Fair … a little bit of Americana

 a very tired Laura at the end of the day!

Today was the last day of the Mid-State Fair here in Paso Robles, California. The country fair is one of the last surviving remnants of Americana. We have everything in our fair from Monster Truck bashes to Country Singers to food vendors everywhere to rodeo activities. the Jumbo corn dogs are particularly delicious!

Not too many quiche, soy or veggie munchers at these festivities!Good times and Good fun. Continue reading “the Mid-State Fair … a little bit of Americana”

Soccer: Give them 1 point for effort… but it’s not enough to keep me awake!

 Soccer only requires a ball

Americans have just never caught soccer fever or ‘World Cup” mania. This has lead some advocates to believe that this failure is due to some shortcoming in the American psyche rather than soccer’s lower sex appeal. Many cried over the failure of women’s professional soccer, but it’s demise wasn’t totally unexpected. Even today, there is a certain amount of drum beating to try to develop support for reintroducing U.S. professional women’s soccer, but unless they compete in the nude, it’s not likely to fare much better.

Soccer has a tough road to hoe in a country that invented or popularized many of the great sports in the world. My impression is that baseball addressed the shortcomings of cricket and American football and rugby evolved from socccer by reshaping the sport to better engage the spectators and participants.

Soccer marketeers are working hard to capture American’s imaginations. Articles about the world’s greatest athletes are soccer players or the fittest athletes are soccer players just don’t ring true to fans who watch Reggie Bush and Justin Gatlin. It doesn’t seem likely unless the criteria include running around for 90 minutes or so and not do anything interesting. The world’s best athletes are in sports that captivate the fans and pay their players like gods.

What do average Americans know about the last World Cup? They know some French guy head butted some Italian guy. It seems rather ironic that two countries that can’t win any wars would be competing for any kind of World Championship.

Soccer is not the ‘safe’ sport for kids that it is marketed. Statistics reveal that head injuries are one of the most common forms of injuries and they occur in about the same frequency in soccer as in American Football. In case you were dozing off… the quote was “In soccer, concussions make up 2-3% of all injuries. This is the same rate as for American football!” All that contact, and soccer still can’t keep me awake.

It is also not hard to understand why in many less economically developed parts of the world, locals have embraced a contest that requires only a ball. Ask any Division I AD about which sports cost the most and the least.
Continue reading “Soccer: Give them 1 point for effort… but it’s not enough to keep me awake!”