Dear Dad presents: Hints to make your hubby happy!

the Good Wife from Good HousekeepingSomeone — who happens to be someone I love — forwarded an article posted on an internet site for unhappy academics & losers. (was that over the top — I can’t really tell?) 

You will first notice that the linked article — which first appeared in a 1955 Good Housekeeping Magazine — is full of underlining and unspoken feminist commentary. The article was entitled “The good wife’s guide.”

Rather than provide a critique on the article, which seems rather quaint by today’s standards, I will comment on the underlined passages by our feminist authority.

1)…”catering to his comfort will provide you with immense personal satisfaction.”

Hmmm…. on the flip side, I don’t think there is a guy on the planet who doesn’t understand the saying,’ you know… you can’t be happy, UNLESS, she is happy!”

So, what is she saying? “Catering” to someone is degrading? Somehow, I visualize this woman as hopelessly single with 12 cats. (HINT: she is a Psych Professor — so she’s half way there)

2) …”show sincerity in your desire to please him.”

Where’s she been? This is the oldest lesson on the planet. Hey, when I have daughters sitting on my lap, feeding me chocolate chips cookies and telling me they looOoove me!… I know where this is going. I just say,”hun, what can I do to make your life better?” Cash works good and they’re on their way. Actually, my girls don’t have to work even that hard…. and my wife even less.

As for pleasing someone you care about, I can’t see anything wrong with that.

3) …”remember his topics of conversation are more important than yours.”

Well, everyone gets their turn in a fair world.

 Fortunately for me, I married someone who likes to talk about the Superbowl and not the Oscars… but if she did, I’d probably listen and be ‘in a happy place.’ Continue reading “Dear Dad presents: Hints to make your hubby happy!”