Want to be ‘Dead Sexy?’ ……Watch what you eat!

I'm dead sexy....

 An interesting study was done to see if men who do or do not eat red meat are more attractive to women….  here’s a brief ‘top line’:

“… showed that the odor of donors when on the nonmeat diet was judged as significantly more attractive, more pleasant, and less intense.”

Now that our man on the left is on a carbo or the zone diet and off red meat… I guess this means he’s now more attractive to women? I guess… he probably smells great!

There’s a tale that before soldiers would go into the jungle… they would go off meat or fish for a couple of days to avoid being ‘detectable.’ That’s the only thing I have ever heard remotely connected to this study.

So, what do you think?

Now, from where I sit, this doesn’t mean becoming a vegetarian… and what we really don’t know is whether eating or not eating red meat is all that important in the grand scheme of things. My guess is that there are far greater issues that influence attraction.

But I do wonder sometimes…. when my wife leans over and says,’ you smell really nice.’ I never can remember what I did? What kind of soap did I use? It leaves me totally confused and searching for answers… but then, maybe that’s the plan….

Roger Freberg

Here’s a few blogs on what women like or don’t:

With DixieChicks on her mind (viva T.K.)