A Glimpse into an Iranian Future where “Pizza” is Illegal

Today Pizza... tomorrow, the anchovie!Ripley’s believe it or not presented in their Sunday Comics a picture of the authoritarian leader of Iran along with a couple of ‘words’ that he has ‘outlawed.”

One of these words is ‘Pizza’…. seemingly, the most harmless of words to the untrained western eye. However, as any good Islamo-Fascist knows… it is an insideous carrier of western ‘culture’ and ‘decadence.’ hmmmm… I guess they got some bad anchovies in their last…er… “flat-bread-covered-with-sauce-and-meat-meal”…assuming that Iranians are still allowed to make them!

Wikipedia does a great job in defining the problem with cultures that censor ideas and words:

“Censorship is the authoritarian control of speech and other forms of human expression….The visible motive of censorship is often to stabilize or improve the society that the government would have control over….and most formally involves the suppression of ideas by criminalizing or regulating expression.”

Unfortunately, the world has witnessed censorship that started with the removal of words, ideas, then books and finally people.

It still happens in the world today, sometimes innocently enough… but it is a warning.

Burning Books don't stop ideasThe world continues to be a dangerous place… and we can give into it … or we can resist.

Interesting Blogs:


Speaking Truth to kooks

Moderate View with links to both sides

Gateway Pundit


Until next time….


Roger Freberg