Most people who know me, know that I have little respect for soccer or soccer players. No matter how hard they try to market themselves as ‘the world’s finest athletes’… I just find the entire process incredibly boring.
Interestingly enough, some time back when ‘Professional Women’s Soccer’ folded, a yahoo from MSNBC decided to write about what an incredible crime it was for women’s soccer to crash! To add fuel to the fire he even blamed the fans for not showing up and supporting this ‘sport.’ I could tell this guy was minus a few cards in his deck as he seemed to think the government should intervene or at least investigate. Yeah, I bet it was probably part of the vast right wing conspiracy.
Well, Rog decided to tactfully write a letter to him at MSNBC…. yeah riiight…. and show him how closely women’s soccer resembled embalming cats. For some reason, he was offended and posted my letter along with my email address. He expected the millions of loyal soccerettes and soccerellos to come and wack the heretic! Oh, I got a few who tried to show me how soccer… although boring… was better than a baby sitter… but I was very surprised by how many folks agreed with me!
One sports bar, I believe in the Detroit area… but somewhere a long way from soccer, wrote me with an amusing story. They had printed off and posted my letter on MSNBC and began to toast to my health. Isn’t that cool? The only question they asked was , “what’s your favorite drink?” Hey, I have a lot of them and they all come in a ‘long neck’… but Miller High Life is my favorite. They then wrote back and said they wanted to know my favorite DRINK…. hmmmm…. okay, I like a dry martini, on the rocks with two olives ( olives are healthy). They then said that they were gonig to name a drink after me… the ‘Jolly Roger’… I think that is better than a statue and it doesn’t gather any bird droppings either.
Almost forgot this story… thanks hun… yep, I’ll have another ‘J.R.’ if you don’t mind.
Roger Freberg