What’s with weenie man Ted Turner?

Ted Turner has decided which side he is on in the war on terror?

Ted Turner is a true ‘existentialist’… he does what he wants and he says what he wants…. but it always leaves me shaking my head.

Take a look at his life… he built CNN and made a ton… but then he marries Jane Fonda… which has got to be one of the weirdest things to do… I guess it probably helped that you both saw eye-to-eye politically. Talk about ‘sleeping with the enemy.’

Recently, he has made a few more typically strange statements…

First, he says the ‘media’ has no place in showing an American Flag. AaaAaah, Ted, you bought the United Nations with a billion bucks, so should they be showing your flag? Frankly, the blue beenies have yet to serve and protect anyone, dude.

Your other statement about not having decided what side you are on in the war on terror is just plain wacked. Although I know you own a huge part of the frozen north in Montana or the Dakotas… a place where Osama has little or no interest… you might think about the rest of us. If you haven’t seen Ted’s interview, check it out on Youtube.com.

Here’s what others think:

Better to keep your mouth shut

It just is amazing how out of touch some rich guys are… they forgot their roots. After all, it was my daughter in Iraq… and not his.

Roger Freberg