In our family, we all share an appreciation for the wonders of good food. That is the curse for what my psychologist wife refers to as “super tasters”… a physiological distinction where some people just experience more from their taste of food. I wouldn’t want to be any different.
This is why “Jenny Craig” comes in so handy at times!
However, during those times of planned indulgence, the right food can be fully appreciated! South African recipes and portions are quite in line with a healthy lifestyle. A particular South African recipe book was recommended to my daughter “Chef” Karen that — unfortunately — she couldn’t find anywhere in South Africa and was out of print, so she asked me to find one! Finally, after a bit of searching, I found one (and only one) in England and it’s on it’s way to me! I can’t wait!
It all looks so good!
Roger Freberg
Karen has blogged about another one of the author’s cook books and here is a LINK to Karen’s blog on the subject.