Harry Potter Survives and Thrives!!!? (maybe)

hmmmm.... is it too good to be true?

If you are a Harry Potter Fan, then the release of Book 7 has been anticipated for a long time. Supposedly the conclusion was developed back in 1999 and from the ‘leaks’ the ending should thrill the fans… and probably draw Snapish snarls from the critics. However, as with some forces of nature, critics might want to step aside or risk losing it all.

We have five books coming to our home — 2 deluxe editions, 2 standard from Scholastic ( the US Publisher) and one copy from the UK (Bloomsberry)… unfortunately… alas… none of them signed. However, I can see no one doing anything this weekend but reading “Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows.”

I won’t pass along the leaks… but they are out there along with a bunch of hints. The  New York Times came out with a tantalizing review  if you want some hints without the truth. But if you can’t stand it… the info is out there… plus a lot of false leads.

We’ll see if it comes true on Saturday!

Roger Freberg

PS… my wife Laura was right — if true — about Ron & Hermione… that’s all I am going to say!

ClustrMaps salute friends and visitors to your site!

Where has your site been?

People visit your web site from all parts of the world and it is interesting to see just where  these folks are coming!  Thanks to “ClustrMaps”,  your visitors are logged on a nice little map showing you where they hail. The map above represents visitors to Pinotageclub.blogspot.com.

This is not a secret for those of us familiar with ‘hit logs’… but to see a graphic representation is always fascinating! The size of each dot represents the number of hits emanating from that particular part of the world!

Karen, Laura and I… along with our family site have put up these maps and it is just getting started. It is interesting to see that  Laura’s Psychology Blog  is so appreciated far and wide…. and I expect that  Karen’s Public Relations Blog  will be too.

Now, I know that ClustrMaps isn’t doing all of this for the good of all mankind… because they have a little directed Google Advertising on the enlarged map… but I think this is a small price to pay… plus I like their suggested links.

So, put a ClustrMap on your site… and see where your traffic is coming from!

Roger Freberg