Trojan Football is Coming! Step 1 — get tickets!

worth their weight in gold!

Step 1: Get the tickets!

For those who know and care… the time is arriving when your long awaited Southern California Trojan Season Tickets will arrive! This happened to me today!

Step 2: WHO gets to go?

This is always a challenge. Karen has graduated from USC and is now heading for her Ph.D. at the University of Tennessee , so she’s not in consideration. Kristin will probably attend one of the games, my guess will be the USC-UCLA game — which should be a tale of revenge and city bragging rights.

Left over tickets? heh heh, silly bruins.

Step 3: Fight on! Let the season begin!

Roger Freberg

Is Arianna Huffington asking us to “Watch Our Neighbor?”

watch thy neighbor?

Well, I just got my daily email from Arianna Huffington announcing that I could now look into my neighbor’s political donation history. I find this a bit disturbing, some might find it intimidating… even threatening. Arianna is quick to qualify her support of this new system by saying: 

“We’re just using technology to make the public record much easier to access and, therefore, much more public.” However, I am a bit concerned with who and how this information will be used. I am not interested in seeing where the big boys & girls donate… they seem to play all sides.. I am worried about exposing all the little folks. I can just see one of my left wing nut neighbors dropping by with a little chat about my donation to  Rudy Giuliani  or the NRA while they attempt to exert a little neighborly pressure on the ‘incorrectness’ of this or that donation. This is not America. 

Yep, sounds a little like how folks used to watch each other back in the old days, right Comrade? Roger Freberg