What College freshman Know?

wine, Laura and Song make a great life

Part of what makes life interesting is all the changes we experience as time goes by. Some people lament that younger and older folks really have a hard time understanding our generation. There is some reason for this. We are forged by the events of importance in our lives… and to understand someone, we must first put them in context. Boomers can tell you exactly where they were when they heard that President Kennedy was assassinated, older still will recall vividly when they first heard that President Roosevelt passed away. Today’s generation “flash bulb” memory is 911.

So to supplement what my  Professor bride discussed in her blog  ( about what incoming college freshman know from their lives), here is a few other things that happened in their birth year (1989):

Cuban troops leave Angola 

Soviet troops leave Afghanistan 


Los Angeles City Council bans sales of automatic weapons 


Iranian leader urges Muslims to kill Salman Rushdie for his writings, puts $3 million dollar reward… however, Iranian leader dies within year 


Time Warner merge 


2 asteroids come close to earth (Asceleptious & a thousand foot chunk) 


First free elections, new Soviet parliament goes against Russian Communists 


Dilbert is first syndicated… life in a cubical is exposed! 


Nintendo begins selling game boy in Japan 


Borders start coming down… Hungary with Austria 


South Africa’s last election under apartheid 


Disney’s “Little Mermaid” comes to theaters 

Famous deaths: Konrad Lorenz, Salvador Dali, Jim Backus, Irving Berlin, Secretariat,

A lot of good things have happened since 1989, but we have many new challenges and no generation has it ‘easy.’

Good Luck to the Class of 2011… the world belongs to you!

Roger Freberg

PS. In 1989, Laura and I had been married for 17 years with three young children ( 10, 7 and 5 years of age)