a boomer discovers Facebook!

Crust for Apple Pie with a ting of mace

Laura and I have always prided ourselves in embracing new technologies. I mean, we remember that an ‘upgrade’ to our first Apple computer meant finding the soldering iron! Even today, Laura finds herself having to buy various things on-line when her Cal Poly computer store carries only 5.0 and she already has the 10.0 version.

Naturally, when our daughters introduced us to the social networking sites, we found ourselves intrigued. Although we are not out there to meet new friends, per se, what we have enjoyed is the way you can communicate better even within the family. I liked the advent of email all those years ago, it allowed you to talk to people at your own time and answer them when it was best for you. Now sites, like Facebook, have expanded that connectivity more easily buy allowing access anywhere and at anytime, including their own version of Instant messaging. In addition, your ‘page’ is very much like your own web page ( we’ve enjoyed our web pages) but with the ability of selected others to ‘post’ on it.

I particularly enjoy torturing my daughters by posting on their pages recipes and pictures of culinary delights that drive them insane. We are foodies through and through. I am impressed with some of their friends that have connectivity with literally thousands of people, whereas others have more modest numbers… very modest numbers like me. I find that you have to invite boomers on board  Facebook, whereas around college age are already there!

There is a disadvantage for college age folks to ‘invite’ their parents… the risk of ‘parental’ comments is always there… but then – in this ‘public’ domain – everyone would be well advised to be a little careful as some employer may see some thing you didn’t mean for them to see… on your social Networking site. Remember , the INTERNET is forever.
Karen blogged about one crazy guy.

So what are you waiting for?… find a social networking site, join and bring on your friends and family. Your kids might just understand… or not… but it aint all about them is it?


Two Layer Amarula Carrot Cake

Carrots, Pineapple, Apricot, Cream Cheese and Amarula!

Some cakes are destined to become classics. The Simple Carrot Cake is worthy of Klingon Song!

When Karen returned from South Africa after working with ‘Total Media’ a Public Relations firm in Cape town, she introduced us to a variety of culinary offerings: Bobotie certainly was one of the finest, the Brai ( a BBQ), Smoorvis ( a rice and fish dish) and not to be forgotten… Amarula. Amarula is a creamy alcoholic drink ( 20%) that can be used in about everything… inlcuding Karen’s addition of 5 tablespoons in our carrot cake! In South Africa, the Brittish introduced the apricot and that is in there too!

Here’s the recipe!

And in the right size… it can be Jenny Craig Compliant!


If you are on Facebook, you just might receive this extraordinary carrot cake as “Foodie for Yoodie” from the ‘Skinny Chef’!

Party at Jenny Craig in San Luis Obispo

Jenny Craig San luis Obispo!

Today, the “Skinny Chef” visited the client appreciation party at Jenny Craig in San Luis Obispo! We had a great time!

Laura and Karen started off by joining Jenny Craig back in November of 2006, I joined their noble effort in December of the same year. In total, we have lost over 240 lbs. together (Karen, Laura and I have each lost 80 lbs each… or more).

Here are the pics of the Jenny Craig Party!

LINKS to our Jenny Craig Pictures!

Such Fun… PLUS everyone loved my Amarula Carrot Cake!


More Recipes!

Pizza Pirogi Recipe!

Pirogi's are wonderfully filling and delicious!

One of my Pirogi’s broke out with a little cheese oozing out onto the plate along with the olives, onions and sausages! I put this particular picture in because two of my daughters ( Karen and Kristin) will… let’s be frank… enjoy reading about this.

For the women in my family, ‘cheese’ is a major food group! Besides, the seasoned crust in this recipe makes all the difference!
Here’s the history and my recipe!

Bon Appetite!


John Madden and Cal Poly’s Warren Baker

John Madden the great and Warren Baker the Clown

There’s no way anyone can show their displeasure with someone better than sending them a clear message. Nothing can be clearer than what  Football legend John Madden allegedly does every year to Cal Poly President Warren Baker. There’s a story that came out that says Coach Madden sends Cal Poly President Warren Baker a one way airplane ticket that essentially tells Warren to ‘go back where he came from!’

Here’s the story!

Although there are those who will talk with funerary tones about the great Baker legacy when and if WB ever retires, there is another story that will surface that the story above only touched on.

In the meantime, thank you John Madden.

Roger Freberg

PS. Now, I know that Yahoo will post Warren’s Clowny image… but let’s see if Google will… stay tuned