Great Recipes are Made or Stolen!

Karen & Laura's Blueberry Coffee Cake!I am very proud of my little band of chefs! Laura, Kristin and Karen all enjoy experimenting with new recipes, developing on old proven winners and when all else fails… they act like the pirates they are… and they “steal” one!

Actually, we don’t “borrow” from too many folks as their recipes usually suffer from various inadequacies: too many shortcuts, cheap ingredients, inadequate substitutions or they just stink. Was I ‘over the top here?’

Anyway, one of my family’s favorite items was prepared by a restaurant for whatever reasons left our little town of San Luis Obispo called ‘Hobbee’s’… and now can be found at least in one of my favorite places of my youth… Palo Alto. Forgiving it’s somewhat vegetarian cuisine for the moment, one of their nicer ‘treats’ was a blueberry coffee cake that was… delicious and always worth the trek.

For Some reason, my daughter Karen had never posted her mother’s and her adaptations to this recipe… they didn’t want to share it with ol dad who’s eyes always rolled at the mere hint of it’s baking! However, brought to you through excessive begging on my part… is their version of this great coffee cake!

Here’s the Recipe!

Karen loves to putĀ  Amarula ( a south African Liquor that reminds me of a nicer Bailey’s Irish Cream) in everything… so I wasn’t surprised to see it in here too!

enjoy it with someone you love!

Roger Freberg

PS. Now you can see what we are doing when we are not on Jenny Craig!