Jaw Breaker Bread for Laura Ann

Grainy Bread for Laura!
When you cook, requests usually are to be expected. It is part of the fun.

I don’t know why people expect that ‘healthy food’ should taste bad and that ‘healthy bread’ should be unpleasant. It’s as if someone has taken a page out of the pharmaceutical recipe book that reminds us that “good medicine tastes awful!” My experience is that good, healthy and wonderful food… tastes… well… delicious.

However, I know the need for so-called ‘health enthusiasts’ to self flagellate themselves, wear bike helmets and eat bread that resembles a Brillo pad. So I set out to come up with a ‘healthy’ bread that offers some of the expected ‘crunch’ of the more nastier versions of choose your descriptor: natural, organic, healthy, or earth mothery.

So, what’s in this bread?

I’ve thrown just about everything you can imagine: whole wheat & bread flour, millet, flaxseed, whole oats, oat bran, soy, rice, corn, barley, wheat germ, sesame seeds, molasses, honey, eggs and gluten. Okay, the purest will have some problems with some of these ingredients… but I wanted it to taste good, too!

Anyway, toasted with cheese and with 2 oz. of meat it is very  Jenny Craig  compliant… and Laura likes it, too… so that’s cool.

Roger Freberg