Wine making is a journey

a label for our first batch in October 2008

Kristin is coming to visit and we plan to put together a ‘historically’ accurate version of a berry wine. In areas of northern Europe and in the early American Colonies, berry wines were made where either grape wine making was impractical or grapes were unavailable.

a basic wine making kitIn talking to a home brewer named “David” ( the husband of Laura’s cousin Pam), I thought… ‘hey, I could do this and it might be fun.’ Kristin though it would be nice to make up a batch and open it up next year to celebrate.

Thanks to some entrepreneurial folks at  Mountain Home brew  in Kirkland , Washington I picked up ingredients and all the basics to make my own wine.

Now, I have some friends who started out this way and ended up with a vineyard! I don’t think so, that is far too much work for me. However, I do feel it would be fun to dabble a bit and maybe get to the point where I have an old oak cask hidden away somewhere.

So, in following my own advice: ” to understand something fully, one must see it through from start to finish” … I am taking my first step into fermenting something wonderful.



oh yes, I plan to produce an estimated ‘nutritional label’ and balance it’s ‘medicinal use’ with my  Jenny Craig  life.