An American Carol : an inconvenient truth

an American Carol is an Inconvenient Truth

I had the opportunity to see “An American Carol” and laughed my a** off! Congratulations to the brave men and women of “an American Carol” who may never work in Hollywood again.

In any movie there are those wonderful back stories about how no one would syndicate this movie until someone from France stepped in! France, I do understand this, after all, didn’t they have those ‘immigrant riots’? Anyway, a lot of the movie was ‘reductum ad absurdum’ (to reduce to absurdity)… to make their point by showing truly funny examples of what hasn’t happened. They traveled back in time to show Hitler, Mussolini and Hirohito all singing ‘kumbaya’ together to the very naive British Prime Minister, a couple of suicide bomber nuns and a skit of college professors indoctrinating students.

If you were taken to see a Michael Moore flick… take them to see this… but see it anyway and don’t feel bad about laughing out loud.

Roger Freberg