What women really really want?

what women want... everything!

Women are fascinating creatures that often confound most men. “What women really want?” tends to trouble us more than just at birthdays and anniversaries. Everyone has needs that we can easily identify… but understanding the ‘wants’ are more elusive.

So, guys, here is my super secret strategy. I  ask  the women in my life what they want through actual ‘communication.’ It may seem like a strange technique, but it works better than  clairvoyance  . I also like to give folks what they want, not what I want them to have.
Odd as it seems, Laura wanted a new vacuum cleaner… a Dyson. Ok, I know what you are thinking…. old school guy gives the little woman a cleaner… not what it seems. In our little family, we have divided up chores on the basis of what bothers whom. Laura has a thing about the house… so she handles that. I have a thing about the kitchen and the yard… so I cook and handle all of that.
Her choice of a ‘gift’ surprised & amazed me… so I had to blog!
