Carrot Cake with Amarula, Pineapple and Apricot Preserves

Amarula Carrot Cake without Icing

I am a bit compulsive about what I enjoy developing & cooking… and this certainly goes to desserts. There is a class of moisture laden desserts ( for example: pumpkin, zucchini breads and carrot cake) that require a bit of a hands on approach to ensure that all works out well… especially if you like making modifications. Adding apricot has been a nice recent addition.

Today, I was making a larger than usual batch of carrot cakes and cupcakes and was a bit generous with Amarula and eggs… but a quick test above, followed by an immediate taste test found all was well. Laura and Karen use a wonderful blend of cream cheese, butter, confectioners sugar and Amarula for the icing… wonderful!

Laura has a meeting tonight… and we’re binging these along for those who like this sort of thing…. like me!

Here’s the recipe

Roger Freberg

Obviously the cupcake above was ‘tested’ prior to the icing… but was still wonderful!   Awarded: 5 Toques!