surprised to see that Cal Poly can actually do the right thing

Cal poly Faculty solving problems

It kind of tells you what type of control the nasties have on your county when an American, motherhood and apple pie  movie can not be viewed in San Luis Obispo County. Nope, you have to travel to adjoining Santa Barbara County to view an  American Carol  , destined to be a cult classic.

So, Cal Poly State University San Luis Obispo has a lot of support to carry on their particular style of ‘education.’ For those who may not know, Cal Poly was the subject of a documentary  “Indoctrinate U.”  that roasted Cal Poly for their less than ‘tolerant’ ways. Freedom of speech was but one issue covered.

Now, this brings me to update the saga of a ‘seasoned’ Cal Poly professor who sent a widely distributed email to his class that implied if you were presented correct information and were smart enough then you might just get with it and vote for his guy for President. Now he is not alone at Cal Poly, but we pick on him because… besides being arrogant and physically unattractive … we have the complete set of emails. Well, there’s that!
After contacting the professor ( in the area of biology), receiving a sharp reply and rebuff , his dean ( of science) was contacted and reminded of the ethical sections of the American Association of University Professors ( a lefty organization) that advises professors that they should stick to their subject area. Obviously, for example, a Professor holding forth on some political interest of theirs, say, the Bush Doctrine in an English or Biology class is not falling within the guidelines.

Eventually the students were contacted by the professor with an apology. Personally, it wasn’t much of an apology, but then he probably couldn’t understand why McGovern lost because all his friends voted for him to.

So, to make things better, places like Cal Poly must be constantly watched.

Roger Freberg

I am surprised they actually did the right thing in this issue… much for them to learn.