Halloween is a time for random kindness

Halloween is a time for all children

Oddly enough, one of my fondness memories of my childhood was the random kindness shown by neighbors and strangers at Halloween to me as a child. I remember when all of us children ran from home to home looking for treats and finding many treasures and a few ‘tradable items’ that we intended to pass off to someone else. Chocolate and anything even remotely related was viewed with great acclaim with smiles, screams of laughter and smiles from ear to ear!

We had more trick or treaters this year, so we’ll just have to get more chocolate next year!

BTW, Happy Halloween, Joe. I remember your kindness to me all those many years ago. I know you are in a good place.

Cal Poly gets scary after Halloween

Cal Poly Stars on Indoctrinate U.!

Well, I have heard from a lot of folks I know and a few new friends who watched Indoctrinate U the other night… well, there are some encore performances coming up:

SAT Channel 197 — the Documentary Channel ( NATION WIDE!)

….these times are PACIFIC TIME ( stay up or Tevo)

Saturday — November 1st, 2008 — 2:00 pm – 3:30 pm Pacific Time

Saturday LATE  — November 1st  — 11:00pm  — 1:30am (Sunday)

Monday LATE — November 3rd — MIDNIGHT – 1:30am (Tuesday)

What you may not know:

Evan Coyne Maloney Heroic Documentary Film MakerFor those of you who haven’t heard about what’s happenin’ on college campuses today…let’s just say … it’s not all good.

Evan Coyne Maloney has produced a fascinating film — entitled ” Indoctrinate U.” – on what might be called ‘political correctness’ on college campuses.

One review:

“The Weekly Standardsaid, “The documentary combines relatively shocking footage (one professor excitedly tells the camera “whiteness is a form of racial oppression . . . treason to whiteness is loyalty to humanity”) with snappy editing to create a documentary that bounces quickly from subject to subject.”

Upcoming screenings of the film can be found on their site!

Is this Warren Baker President of Cal Poly?On one hand, on many campuses there exists a hyper-sensitivity to sexually displaying a banana on a campus, ‘hurting’ or ‘offending’ someone’s feelings…. whereas displaying our American Flag could become grounds for suspension some places. The inmates are running the asylum.

So, what has this to do with me? Yep, I — also — appear in the film. For 7 years, my wife — the professor — struggled for existence with Cal Poly State University at San Luis Obispo … and succeeded. And what happened to — in my humble opinion — the “bad guys?”... they eventually all received big raises and promotions.

If you get a chance… check it out. If it hadn’t happened to me… I’d be laughing.

Roger Freberg

PS. The Documentary Channel is available on satellite and many cable systems nationwide. Check your provider for channel information. The schedule is subject to change. For the most up-to-date list of air times, visit: http://tinyurl.com/indoctrinate-u-docu-chan

To find out more about “Indoctrinate U,” go to: http://indoctrinate-u.com/