the Bill Of Privileges

Cal Poly San Luis Obispo has a history of free speech oppression

I grew up in a little town where we were required to learn a little bit about how our country works, the principles on which it was founded, the thoughts behind our founding and the rules they set forth in the beginning. Unfortunately, all too many folks do not know or understand something as simple as our BILL OF RIGHTS.

Simply put, Certain constraints are put on those who wish to govern. In addition, certain ‘rights’ (protections) are granted to everyone to insure that our government will not be too intrusive or annoying.

The importance of this became clear recently when a local ‘mob’ wanted to tar and feather a few Cal Poly students for their tasteless and tacky Halloween display. Under normal circumstances, Cal Poly — I believe — would have acted inappropriately and illegally towards these young people. As a rule, Cal Poly has a history of  ‘washing their hands’ before turning folks over to any assembled mob.

So, feeling that Cal Poly was about to make another mistake, I stepped in and wrote the following letter to the editor:

‘Educate the mob’

I don’t normally do this, so I have to congratulate Cal Poly for doing something right. It’s not that I think they wanted to, but it is the law.

Recently, some very self-righteous folks have been lambasting a few Cal Poly folks for flying a rebel flag along with some very tasteless decorations for some sort of Halloween party. I am not supporting what they did, just their right to be tacky and tasteless and their right to offend both you and me.

Cal Poly’s administration has held a hearing on this issue. It was everyone’s opportunity to voice their opinion and exercise their “free speech.”

Although some have advocated expelling the students or some Draconian punishment, the law is quite clear: This is protected “free speech.”

It is my hope that Cal Poly’s President Warren Baker will educate the mob.

Roger Freberg

San Luis Obispo

What happened next was predictable. Cal Poly held their hearing and a legal beagle working at Cal Poly explained to the mob the true meaning of ‘free speech.’ Obviously, if you are coming to see some punishment, you left rather disappointed, but then, you should have known better. Soon, a letter came in today’s paper attacking me personally, their logic was amusing.

Speech a privilege

This is addressed to Roger Freberg (Letters, Nov. 12) and all the abusers of the First Amendment:

Free speech is not free. It is a privilege!

Yes, you can say what you want, but maybe you should not, out of respect for others — and yourself.

There is an expression in another language which says: Swish your tongues 36 times in your mouth before you speak! Translated in English it becomes: Think before you speak or do something that is supposedly covered under the First Amendment.

Dominique Dunn

Avila Beach

Clearly, Dominique doesn’t understand that we are all protected by a  BILL of RIGHTS  not a Bill of Privileges. The right to speak our minds, the freedom to assemble, a free press ( 1st Amendment), a prohibition against unreasonable search and seizure (4th Amendment) and eight other very important rights that many in our government would like to ignore. For example, although almost any American soldier is welcome in my house, the Bill of Rights prevents the government from forcing me to share my small home (3rd Amendment).

Class is adjourned.

Roger Freberg

the future is in understanding the past

Sometimes, when historians look into the past, often they only see the problems and the struggles, but little of the truly amazing achievements not only of industry but of intellect. I have always believed that this is because the historians and journalists are a depressing and a depressed lot.

They should read William James.

Here’s a link to a great site.

William James is not a household name to anyone outside of Psychology. Even in Psychology, many fail to read his original writings but depend too highly on the interpretations of others.  James was brilliant. I say he was brilliant because his observations still hold today over 100 years later.

Although much of what he wrote was around 1900, William James reflects the budding optimism, the clarity of the times and a genuine hope for the future.

Although it may seem old fashioned to post quotes, William James is worth reading. Here are a few:

“Truth is what works.”

“When you have to make a choice and don’t make it, that is in itself a choice.”

“These then are my last words to you. Be not afraid of life. Believe that life is worth living and your belief will help create the fact.”

“If merely ‘feeling good’ could decide, drunkenness would be the supremely valid human experience.

“Be willing to have it so. Acceptance of what has happened is the first step to overcoming the consequences of any misfortune.”

“Act as if what you do makes a difference. It does.”

“Action may not bring happiness but there is no happiness without action.

“Pessimism leads to weakness, optimism to power.

“A chain is no stronger than its weakest link, and life is after all a chain.”

“Common sense and a sense of humor are the same thing, moving at different speeds. A sense of humor is just common sense, dancing.”

“Compared to what we ought to be, we are half awake.”

“Everybody should do at least two things each day that he hates to do, just for practice.”

“Faith means belief in something concerning which doubt is theoretically possible.”

“It is our attitude at the beginning of a difficult task which, more than anything else, will affect its successful outcome.”

“Many people think they are thinking when they are merely rearranging their prejudices.”

“One hearty laugh together will bring enemies into a closer communion of heart than hours spent on both sides in inward wrestling with the mental demon of uncharitable feeling.”

“Success or failure depends more upon attitude than upon capacity successful men act as though they have accomplished or are enjoying something. Soon it becomes a reality. Act, look, feel successful, conduct yourself accordingly, and you will be amazed at the positive results.”

“The art of being wise is the art of knowing what to overlook.”

“The greatest weapon against stress is our ability to choose one thought over another.”

“The world is all the richer for having a devil in it, so long as we keep our foot upon his neck.

Now, wasn’t that all worth reading?

Roger Freberg

Carrot Cake Roll with Amarula

Carrot Cake Roll

There aren’t a lot of Carrot Cake Rolls on the internet. There are some commercial outfits that will display what they call a carrot cake roll  and I am sure there are carrots swimming through there somewhere. However, the challenge of making a roll from a standard carrot cake recipe is a big one!

However, I think it can be done and with only minor changes. The Amarula frosting really made it , too!
Here is my recipe made with love for Kris and Karen!

enjoy! oh yeah, it was very yummy!

4 star General Anne Dunwoody

General Anne E. DunwoodyCongratulations to General Dunwoody!

wrote about her nomination  to become the first four star general in the United States military.

Here is a  nice article  on General Anne Dunwoody.

General Dunwoody had a couple of things that made me smile:

“This nomination only reaffirms what I have known to be true about the military throughout my career—that the doors continue to open for men and women in uniform.”


“There is no one more surprised than I—except, of course, my husband. You know what they say, `Behind every successful woman there is an astonished man.’ ” 

So, Congratulations and make us all proud.

Roger Freberg