Dressing for Cal Poly’ Delta Delta Delta Sorority

dressing for the tri delts

Living in San Luis Obispo, California doesn’t give one a chance to put on formal wear. However a local sorority DELTA DELTA DELTA was honoring Laura with “Faculty of the Year”.

Obviously, Laura  is modest in these sorts of things, but she is an excellent professor. How do I know? Well, once a year or so, I step into her world and take a day to attend her class sessions. I sit in the back and she will graciously introduce me with a few words that you can say only when there are many witnesses! Ha!

Laura is not the easiest professor, she is demanding but very and painfully fair. She has helped students into grad school and beyond. This recognition was sweet.
Yes, Laura and I have know each other for a long time… in fact, since she was taller than me. We’ve taken classes together along the way and married at 20.

Congratulations, Laura


PS. Win something else so we can dress up again!

Rogelio Margarita de oro y delicioso

Don Rogelio Anejo Margarita legendario

For whatever reason, I have had a few requests for my Margarita recipe. What’s funny is that I don’t make my Margaritas for anyone but myself and my immediate family and my late mother-in-law June Sievers.

My recipe isn’t for the Margaritas-by-the-gallon set… but for those special occasions when only the best will do or to impress someone… this’ll work. I don’t measure when I make my Margaritas and this never has gone wrong… so here in it’s simplest form is what I put in it:

1 1/2 – 2 oz. Don Julio ‘Anejo’ Taquila

1/2 oz. Grand Marnier ( a triple sec)

1/2 oz. or more lime juice fresh or otherwise ( vary according to your taste for tartness)

1/2 oz. or more of liquid sweetener ( Agave syrup or Margarita Mix of your choice if you must)

(HINT) mix the lime juice and your choice to sweeten separately and taste until you get it right for you! I like it balanced. This Margarita might be slightly sweeter than you are used to… but definitely more flavorful!
refrigerate all ingredients
Pour over finely crushed ice!

Roger Freberg

Remembering Veteran’s Day with Humor

Veteran's Day

I always like to remember special occasions with humor. I received today an email ( as did hundreds of thousands of others) from our good friend Dilbert offering some real life butchered quotes from inDUHviduals… here are a few:

“I wish life was in 3-D.”

“You shut your mouth when you’re talking to me!”

“I have to go drop a kidney.”

“I’ve already forgotten more than I’ll ever know!”

“I’d rather be safe than sore.”

“He smokes like a fish!”

“He’s not the sharpest hole in the wall.”

“My sister gave me a cream-colored couch, and honest-to-god I hate it as much as life itself.”

“I’m running around with a head like a chicken.”

“It’s going to be bad around here when the cows come home to roost.”

Thank you, veterans and our men and women serving around the world… I hope if & when you see this… it makes you smile.

Roger Freberg

here’s the latest from DILBERT

Designer Tequila

Designing your own bottle of 1800 Tequila

Well, the title of this blog is a bit misleading. However, what is fun is that many manufacturers of wines and spirits provide the opportunity for you to design your own label for their product. In essence, you can personalize a sometimes rather impersonal gift.

Most wine and spirits have offered holiday labels for years. these lables provide a place where they would print your name or the name of your firm. However, today, you can find a number of companies that will allow you to upload your own art and this is sensational!

The very familiar  bottle of 1800 Tequila  above appears with a variety of lables I put up: (left to right) the flaming statue at the University Of Tennessee at Knoxville,  my ‘el cid’ paella, our  ‘Chimichanga Legendario’, my 1994 Fatboy Harley Davidson, and a version of one of my many alter egos.

This holiday season, give something a bit more memorable.

Roger Freberg

Can a colorblind person read your webpage?

can a colorblind person read your web page?

On  Laura’s blog  today, she posed an interesting question: “what would I look like to a color blind person?” The question is intriguing. How would a color blind person find the internet? Would they find some pages readable while others were difficult or impossible?

On Laura’s Blog she has a link to help answer that question. I captured a portion of my blog and ran it through their analysis. Yep, it all is readable. I have to give credit to my daughters and the choices of colors they use for the blogs and the help they give me.

Obviously, making something available to colorblind people is a reasonable thing to do.

Roger Freberg